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Thread: winstrol V and equipose help please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up winstrol V and equipose help please

    A friends father has some horses so i manage to get myself some winstrol V and equipose and i know this time that its legit, problem is i have no clue how to take these 2 drugs togheter and have no idea of what results i can get.

    I am 5 feet 10 and 212 pounds, ok ok i have a spare tire that i am trying to lose, i did some AS before but got screwed and bought shit.

    I have 30 cc of winstrol and 50 cc of equipose.

    What type of gain should i expect if i do eveything right, diet training and all, i currently eat 1 grms of protein per pound of bw and train using basic exercices and with lots of 6 reps.

    Also is winstrol V a good compound for fatloss if taken by a women???

    Thank very much guys

  2. #2
    The original jason Guest
    Winnie doesnt actually make u lose fat its diet what helps but both winnie and eq would be used in a cutting cycle as to speak, I would try to get some test then you have a perfect stack for what you want. I would go something like weeks 1-8 eq 400mg per week test 500mg per week and winnie weeks 4-8 50mg ed by the way you can take it orally or im it has the same effect. You would also need some clomid for post cycle and should keep nolvadex on hand in case u r prone to gyno from the test. Also about your diet 2g protein per lb bodyweight is what i go with mim 1'5 is recomended hope that helps


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Thumbs up thanks jason


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    don't even think about giving that to your gf!!

    a guy at my gym gave it to his gf and i'm not joking..she grew facial hair!no joke.he's a fuckign psycho.he wanted her to be more cut and she knew shit about the gear so she's ok ok i'll do it.i'm not saying you would do it, but only a sick fuck would do that to his addition virilization gets fucked up.i know you're all about your gf losing some weight, but don't even. i did an EQ/winny only stack many times and i love the results.i don't want to be a bloated meathead,haha.i shot EQ every other day and 100mgs/day and winny every other day at 50mgs/day.i'm 6%bf (and i don't know where the fuck the fat is)so it shows extremely well for me at every other day shots of it.i don't need to do it every day.seriously i couldn't lay down w/ my gf and put my hands behing my head or it felt like my skin was gonna tear.i personally think winny is only good when you are very lean.i love the stuff.

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