Hello, Im pretty new to all of this so please dont flame me if you think im way off.
Im just looking for some pointers, Im about 6.2 ft, 210 lbs (I have alot of Body Fat,like 22% or so, alltho im built in a way that you would think im very buff if you saw me dressed)
What i want to get out of cycling is this, i want my body fat to be reduced alot, and at the same time i want to build up alot of muscle (I dont want to be HUGE, just above average) In other words, I wanna look good naked (quote from american beauty.
All my friends who currently cycles tells me i should use Deca because of the low side effects and good results, and Clenbuterol because, well its one of the fastest fatburners.
I have these 2 Availible, but i would like some of your opinions on how i should cycles them, and for how long.
Mind you i try to keep a healthy low cal diet, and i walk 2 hours/day.
Would be extremely nice with any kind of pointers at all.
Thanks // Charlie