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Thread: First Cycle, please comment, and advice welcome!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Richmond, Virgina

    First Cycle, please comment, and advice welcome!!

    Ok guys, so I'm finally ready and have everything i need to get started, so please comment, and give me your final advice before i start.

    Weeks 1-12
    125mg/ EOD (m, w, f)

    Winstrol (upjohn 10 mL vial)
    Weeks 8-12
    50mg/ ED

    So here are my final questions before i start. I have clomid and nolvex on hand. When should I start nolvex? I've heard some people start it 2 weeks before hand, and some people just take it while they're on the cycle. I'm pretty clear on the clomid, on when to take that. Also one last thing... would you guys reccomend me stacking something with the sustanon? (keep in mind this is my first TRUE cycle) What is most effective with it? Well I look forward to hearing from you guys. Happy new years.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    First cycle = One Compound Only. Stick with the sust bro and leave out the winny for another time. Be prepared forr a a sore arse as well. As far as Nolvadex is concerened its your call, you can use it during the cycle or use it only if you get sides. Also use it during PCT with the Clomid

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    dirty goddamn south
    Quote Originally Posted by DBflash21
    Ok guys, so I'm finally ready and have everything i need to get started, so please comment, and give me your final advice before i start.

    Weeks 1-12
    125mg/ EOD (m, w, f)

    Winstrol (upjohn 10 mL vial)
    Weeks 8-12
    50mg/ ED

    So here are my final questions before i start. I have clomid and nolvex on hand. When should I start nolvex? I've heard some people start it 2 weeks before hand, and some people just take it while they're on the cycle. I'm pretty clear on the clomid, on when to take that. Also one last thing... would you guys reccomend me stacking something with the sustanon? (keep in mind this is my first TRUE cycle) What is most effective with it? Well I look forward to hearing from you guys. Happy new years.
    First cycle...

    week1-12 Test E or C 500mg week (250mg e3d)
    nolva 20mgs ed or as needed for sides
    clomid at end of cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Richmond, Virgina
    Ok, so other then that, everything looks good?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Take out the winny and everything is good to go

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    it looks fine man. assuming you havnt' ran winny before, get ready for some sore ass joints. other than that, should be a great cycle for ya! keep the nolva on hand just iin case. also for pct, run nolva and clomid side by side for at least 4wks. good luck man


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