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Ok guys, so I'm finally ready and have everything i need to get started, so please comment, and give me your final advice before i start.
Weeks 1-12
125mg/ EOD (m, w, f)
Winstrol (upjohn 10 mL vial)
Weeks 8-12
50mg/ ED
So here are my final questions before i start. I have clomid and nolvex on hand. When should I start nolvex? I've heard some people start it 2 weeks before hand, and some people just take it while they're on the cycle. I'm pretty clear on the clomid, on when to take that. Also one last thing... would you guys reccomend me stacking something with the sustanon? (keep in mind this is my first TRUE cycle) What is most effective with it? Well I look forward to hearing from you guys. Happy new years.