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  1. #1
    Always Liftin''s Avatar
    Always Liftin' is offline Associate Member
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    What would happen if..

    Well, dont look at this wrong, i am nowhere near even thinking of usin aas because of my age and the fact that i want to be totally natural till im at least 25 but i was just thinking...

    what hapens if a person uses aas before they are at their natural max, or close....i mean say someboy is going to run a cycle and lets say he will gain 30 lbs, and he wights like 200(not at natural max), then he gains 30 lbs and is 230, well lets say the same person decided to train to his natual max and got to 225(natual, no aas) then did aas, would he still gain the same amount of weight? basically what im trying to get at is what is the downfall of not waiting till getting to your natual max or close before you start aas, i mean other than the sides, the loss of gains, is it just to save money by not using aas? Doesnt aas actually get you to your natual max?

    Im just wondering because a good friend of mine is thinking of using aas and is nowhere near ready and he asked me this question while i was trying to convince him not to and i had no answer...he is alot older than me(18) he is 27 but not close to his natural max but has a good base..

    anyway i know this post is not organized ect, but please try to answer these many questions.... and next time i will post more organized but im very tired now lol...and i am typing like im 12...

  2. #2
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    Actually my opinion here is prolly a lil diffrent than many others.. I waited for very long and then many of my friends didnt (they were 170 lbs and I was 260 lbs).. We all stated cycling the same time.. I did my cycle with bigger doses but have been able to keep less and gain as much.. I am training better and eating better, but I think Im at a point where its harder to keep the gains etc in PCT since the balance between anabolism / catabolism is harder to achieve (what would be enough to sustain all the gains).. My friends didnt even do a correct PCT and they kept almost all... Then my point: I wouldnt advise AAS to newbies, that wasnt my intention. Im simply stating my opinion that people CAN gain well even if the havent reached their maximum potential. I do think that people should have a sufficient background in training and nutrition + a solid base before they start to cycle.. Many years of training etc... JMO

  3. #3
    Always Liftin''s Avatar
    Always Liftin' is offline Associate Member
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    yeah, i will probably be natural my entire life, but i was just trying to find an answer to his question....thanks for the reply!

  4. #4
    SpiderRico's Avatar
    SpiderRico is offline Member
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    stay natural for awhile and just read up on info and should help you gain more knowledge if you ever do plan on running anything when you get older

  5. #5
    Hammerman's Avatar
    Hammerman is offline Junior Member
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    The later you start the better, otherwise the doses you need to grow will be huge by the time your heading towards 30!

  6. #6
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    i sure hope so =) ... I want to be able to think there is some use of the fact that I waited for so long. heh

  7. #7
    j martini is offline Member
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    Whats most important IMO is that you know how to eat and train correctly to make gains.

    Some people have being training 20years and still dont know the basics of diet and training.

    I dont believe you have a natural limit and a seperate chemical limit to building muscle AAS just speeds the process you would probably never actually reach your natural limit in your lifetime. And will actually regress as you reach middle age and natural hormone levels starting to decline.

    So anyone who is not real serious about bodybuilding, but just enjoys training and being big and strong would probably be best waiting till there mid thirties when natural hormon levels are on the decline.

  8. #8
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    ive heard many people say that once you reach a certain point you cant gain anymore cause its your natural limit, but i think that is bullsh_t. ive juiced enough that ive passed the point where i could have gotten if i was 100% natural, but i continue to grow in between my cycles because im so fu_kin determined. i obsess over my diet and training routine. the way i look at it, if your eating a perfect diet and training hard, you can continue to grow regardless of how many cycles you've done.

  9. #9
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    you wrote:
    "ive heard many people say that once you reach a certain point you cant gain anymore cause its your natural limit, but i think that is bullsh_t."

    Does that mean if you continue to lift and train that you will allways make gains? Then why arn't there more 1000 lb benchers? why is 1000 the limit? if you'll allways make gains then there should be no limit. I havn't met anyone who trains regulary and hasn't hit a plateau. on or off there is allways a limit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    ive heard many people say that once you reach a certain point you cant gain anymore cause its your natural limit, but i think that is bullsh_t. ive juiced enough that ive passed the point where i could have gotten if i was 100% natural, but i continue to grow in between my cycles because im so fu_kin determined. i obsess over my diet and training routine. the way i look at it, if your eating a perfect diet and training hard, you can continue to grow regardless of how many cycles you've done.

  10. #10
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    I would say that your natural limit is not necessarly attained at a certain age but rather whenever u meet your natural limit all togeather.

    i dunno what that means..

  11. #11
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    believe what ever you want to, i will always train with the intent of gaining, regardless of how roided out i get

  12. #12
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    even if thats ur intent I have hard time believing u gain in PCT for example.. I would be happy to just be able to keep most of the gains.. I could see its possible if u r not at advanced level.. Not saying that after a while its impossible to gain more naturally, I guess that depends... I do believe though that the bodies some pros have are impossible to even maintain without the supplementation of test etc... no matter how hard they train.

  13. #13
    Always Liftin''s Avatar
    Always Liftin' is offline Associate Member
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    yeah i agree with you stupidhippo^ , dont get me wrong i was at least wanting to wait till 25 till i start any form of aas, i mean im only 5'7" id like to grow and have an erection the rest of my life lol, anyyway if you have seen my pictures in the "members pictures" section then you will definitely see i am just a beginner in the dieting aspect. But thanks for the replies so i could give them to my friend....i think this one will help me explain it to him...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammerman
    The later you start the better, otherwise the doses you need to grow will be huge by the time your heading towards 30!

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