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Thread: libido

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    whats up guys currently on about 7th week of cycle 750mgs test e and 400mgs eq, is it normal to have a low sex drive, i just dont feel as horny as i usually do when on test, ive gained about 16lbs, and im 97% sure i have legit stuff, does this happen usually, ive never gone over 500mgs of test, so maybe a higher dose has something to do with it, any re-assurance would be great

  2. #2
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Your test may be a bit under dosed and the Eq dosage is close to it. My sex drive usually goes from animal to horny 18 yr old around week 7 or 8. If your get quality gains (not fat) I wouldnt worry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Low libido happens with test if estrogen-levels gets to high!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    im taking 10mgs arr's nolva ed, should i up it to 20mgs then??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

  6. #6
    How do you get to the figure of 97%???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    precise calculations from a formula i created, jk in all seriousness though would boosting nolva to 20mgs ed lower my estrogen and create a rise in my sex drive i am on 10mgs right now

  8. #8
    Nolva doesnt actually lower estrogen production it just blocks estrogen receptors.Have you thought of trying a new woman,i find that joking bro,well im not actually but im not suggesting you do that.Maybe the test is underdosed??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    na its legit man, ive gained a good amount of weight, ive done a bunch of test cycles before and i have been horny as hell, i heard when u do test at a relatively high dose, this can happen, is that tru? would armidex be recommended?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ns4433
    na its legit man, ive gained a good amount of weight, ive done a bunch of test cycles before and i have been horny as hell, i heard when u do test at a relatively high dose, this can happen, is that tru? would armidex be recommended?
    Try proviron that stops the estrogen being produced,ive never experiencd any problems regarding libido so i cant really help you im afraid.Sorry.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ns4433
    na its legit man, ive gained a good amount of weight, ive done a bunch of test cycles before and i have been horny as hell, i heard when u do test at a relatively high dose, this can happen, is that tru? would armidex be recommended?
    Bro, most likely it's the estrogen levels rising from the testosterone. Increase the Nolvadex to 20 mgs and see what happens. Can't hurt. Doesn't matter if you use a SERM (blocks estrogen from binding) or AI (inhibits aromatization) or whatever...just as long as you blunt the affects of estrogen is all that matters.

    ARmidex will work better at it than Nolvadex, for sure. Your call. But, I would put money on it that it's your estrogen levels. Also, if you didn't have a long enough time off between cycles then your estrogen levels could be playing hell on you.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    tru ill increase to 20mgs and see what happens

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ns4433
    tru ill increase to 20mgs and see what happens
    Any updates? I take it something is working since you are not asking for additional input.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    whats up man, upped the nolva to 20mgs, but sex drive isnt that crazy test fueled sex drive ive had in the past, ive actually dropped tje test to 500 mgs for two weeks,im going up to 750 this week so hopefully i get a boost

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    That is exactly the same problem I have now and iam pretty sure it is the dominance of estrogen in my cycle right now..

    It looks like the same situation u are in.

    Last year I did 750 test and 400 deca no problems at all.
    This year I do 1000 test, 400 EQ and 400 deca.
    Thats why I Have started arimidex 2 days ago 0.25 mg/d.

    And started Clomid 150 mg/d. 5 days ago and it started to help the day after allready with erection every time I have to pee at night and the funny mood (not social / depression mood?) I have been in the last 6-8 weeks is also gone like nothing was ever there.. And no sex drive also..

    Btw. I dropped the deca 3 weeks ago and increased test to 1500 mg./w And it just got worse.

    I never have any problems with gyno or bloat, but emotionally I am sure there is to much estrogen right now..


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Van City
    Me too, not having any gyno problems... but emotionally I feel kinda low sex drive and kinda depressed. I am gonna start taking anti-aromatase more frequently to cut the water bloat and estrogen. I hope this works.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Proviron at 50mg/ED may also be an idea.

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