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Thread: Ordering help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Ordering help

    Hey Im putting togther a cycle of Test E and Dibol for an 11 week period I was wondering how much the dosages should be a week or day....and how much i should order to last me that time....

    I was thinking of placing an order for 50ml of test e at 250mgml, at 500mg a week, for 11 weeks... but i think I would need 2 right,

    and the dbol probably 2x 100 caps of 10mg caps at 30-40mg a day

    Does this sound right? Please help thanks...Oh i am 6 1 190, looking for much mass as possible, first cycle>..thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Therocksbiggestfan
    Hey Im putting togther a cycle of Test E and Dibol for an 11 week period I was wondering how much the dosages should be a week or day....and how much i should order to last me that time....

    I was thinking of placing an order for 50ml of test e at 250mgml, at 500mg a week, for 11 weeks... but i think I would need 2 right,

    and the dbol probably 2x 100 caps of 10mg caps at 30-40mg a day

    Does this sound right? Please help thanks...Oh i am 6 1 190, looking for much mass as possible, first cycle>..thanks
    At 500 mgs weekly(11 weeks),you'd only need 30 ml of test.And you'd have plenty left over(9 mls).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    11weeks X 500= 5500ML needed to run
    If you have a 10ML bottle and the strength is 250 mg you have 5 weeks per bottle
    If you are ordering at 50ml bottle you have 12500ML
    or you could say 25 weeks of gear @ 500mg per week
    divide that into your bottle qty such as total ML per bottle

    10mg caps at 40mg a day =4 caps X 28 days = 112 caps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    allright so I 50ml jug is plenty if i am running a 11 week cycle at 500mg a week...and 100pills is okay too

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    actually a 30ml jug would be okay right? allright cool thanks

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