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Thread: opening

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    ive been noticing a lot of questions about opening vials especially sus250 is it going to be really difficult . assuming any of my gear ever gets here ! im still expecting some stuff but im pretty sure i just got jacked on one order ! i was finally so psyched ! man i'd love to dish out some ASS whoopins ! you'd just think the cops would be more worried about all the wannabe pimps walking up and down the street selling crack and all that stuff . than they would be about intercepting orders of small amounts of as . anyway its probably not like it got seized anyway that jerkass probably makes a shitload of money off of guys like me . i saw his name on the scammer list ... id love to post the name of the guy i western unioned the money to cuz he probably changes his email and website . if any of the mods want that info pm me and ill give it to you .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Memphis for now, San Diego next year
    I just use a small file to score around the neck 'till I see a fine line around it then just snap it clean. No probs.

    Good luck with your gear bro'.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    hey bro wrap a paper towl around the neck 2 or 3 times...get suzzors and cut/snap the wont cut clean but all the glass that brake will be in big pieces

    works for me all the time never broke a amp once

  4. #4
    Ranger Guest
    Small file, score the neck, grab an old style ball-point pen....unscrew it, take half, put over the neck as a guide/lever...snap right off slicker than gator shit on a flat rock....heh heh heh


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.

    Re: opening

    Originally posted by john47
    ive been noticing a lot of questions about opening vials especially sus250 is it going to be really difficult . . .
    Since most of the answers thus far deal with opening ampules, I'll stick to the original and pontificate on vials . . .

    I've noticed that in terms of good ol' USA-made test, there are two types: Depo-Testosterone (cyp) has a plastic cap that you can flick off with your thumb. However, Delatestryl (enanthate) - both in the U.S. and Canada - has the top fused right onto the vial, and can be a bitch-and-a-half to get remove.

    I found that what works best is (drum roll . . .) a small eyeglass screwdriver - you can get them in any drug store, either by themselves or a part of a repair kit for eyeglasses. You can slide it right under the metal top of a vial and pop it without damaging the rubber stopper.

    File this under Hints from Heloise (an obscure reference to an old newspaper column that used to talk about how to fix things with the kind of crap you find around the house). (I can see it now . . . "Dear Heloise, How do I open my friggin' enanthate vial without damaging the rubber stopper? Sincerely, Frustrated Housewife in Cleveland.")

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Raleigh, NC
    Just take a paper towel and put it around the top then snap it off with your hands,sometimes I flick it off with my finger. You guys spend alot of time filing it down etc. how come? It always snaps right off clean for me, you all make it look like rocket science.

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