A friend of mine (from USA) ordered some stuff from a very well known domestic who we have been using for a while now. Many of you know who this is but I am not saying any names no dont ask.
Anyways he made the order, paid the extra 20 for overnight shipping. The bulk of the product arrived, but the anadrol was out of stock at the time. So eventually I get a email with the tracknig number from "our friend" and I Am excited now that its finally comnig. Well I keep tracking the package for the next couple of days when one day it says "undeliverable as addressed".
he goes to the post office with the tracking number and they tell me that the sender never put a street address and they sent it back to sender. I email "guy" and tell him what happens. He claims it was a mistake of the USPS and not his fault.
First of all its only 100 anadrol pills so its not that big of a deal, however what is 100 anadrols to a big time domestic dealer like him.
Secondly , what if this would of been a huge order, remember the min order is already high, so what if was even more than this, as most are, I guess according to him I would be out all my money because his remailer fuked up.
On my last email to him I explained how the post office said it was his fault and that if 100 anadrol pills was that big of a deal to him than forget about it. I definitly will not be using him anymore , just because if it was a huge order, I would be screwed.
What do you guys think about this.