Need some help with a cutting cycle.
I would like to do an 8 week cycle (extend to 10 weeks if necessary).
At the age of 40 everything seems more difficult and also since I am a former FAT ASS cutting seems to be hard now.
13-15% bf (last reading 12-13% done by proffesional before bulker).
I plan to run a strict diet with morning cardio (4 times a week) + weights of course.
Last bulking cycle
13 weeks
500mg test e/500mg EQ
Went from 209 to 241.
Dropped down to 236 after PCT.
Considering running
1-8 Prop
1-8 Tren A
maybe some anvar or winny for 4-6 weeks?
1-8 Primo
1-8 Anvar
Not sure about dosage, I would rather keep it on the light side then heavy.
Did a bunch of research but not sure what to do yet.
Suggestions and comments please.