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  1. #1
    Pac is offline Junior Member
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    Dizzy after injection

    After i injected some inj.Testosterone in my delt and took the needle out, seconds later i felt really dizzy and my hearing dissapeared on both ears for some seconds! I was absolutely sure i was gonna faint. I'm feeling okay now, but what went wrong? I didn't see any blood in the syringe while aspirating, but i didn't hold it completely steady i think. Some blood came pouring out afterwards.
    Last edited by Pac; 01-09-2006 at 09:01 AM.

  2. #2
    mr amp is offline Associate Member
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    u could ov hit a nerve .just remember your sticking a pice ov metal in ur body so its going 2 be uncomftable some long as ur arm hasnt fell of ur ok

  3. #3
    Logan13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac
    After i injected some inj.Testosterone in my delt and took the needle out, seconds later i felt really dizzy and my hearing dissapeared on both ears for some seconds! I was absolutely sure i was gonna faint. I'm feeling okay now, but what went wrong? I didn't see any blood in the syringe while aspirating, but i didn't hold it completely steady i think. Some blood came pouring out afterwards.
    It sounds like you were not comfortable with the injection. I have done ED injects for most of my cycles, I'm fine until I see my blood spewing out. Just stay calm........It could be a variety of things, but I doubt that you actually injured anything.

  4. #4
    Pac is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, thanks for answers.

  5. #5
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah i done the same thing on my first injection on my cycle i just finished, i thought i was going to fall down when i was on my scale, i looked at my weight and i just got dizzy, could of been how much i weighed........LMAO.

  6. #6
    ODC0717 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac
    After i injected some inj.Testosterone in my delt and took the needle out, seconds later i felt really dizzy and my hearing dissapeared on both ears for some seconds! I was absolutely sure i was gonna faint. I'm feeling okay now, but what went wrong? I didn't see any blood in the syringe while aspirating, but i didn't hold it completely steady i think. Some blood came pouring out afterwards.
    So long as you aspirate and no blood comes into the syringe you'll be fine to inject. You could nick a verin or nerve which would cause blood to come out after you too out the needle (vein), or twitch if you hit a nerve. Nothing to worry about though. It sounds like you were more nervous then anything. Sometimes when I'm giving myself a shot I'll get hot and start to sweat, but I know it's nothing and when the shot is over that feeling passes and all is good.

  7. #7
    Pac is offline Junior Member
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    It's really a problem for me to pull back on the plunger with the same hand i'm holding the syringe with. It's not hard to get a grip with 2 other fingers, but the problem occurs when trying to pull back the plunger. It won't move.

  8. #8
    WEBB's Avatar
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    i had the same thing happen to me twice during my first cycle and i have no clue why but it was a really sh1tty feeling. i'm sure you didnt do any damage i could just be your nerves getting the best of you, the brain can do some crazy sh1t to ya. also i personally never aspirate and never have, my reason being the doctors never do when they stick me at the hospital, so why should i.

  9. #9
    pilipo is offline Junior Member
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    that happened to me once too had to sit down for like 20 min. i thought i hit a vein but i think now that i just scared myself when i saw a drop of blood. stupid brain playing tricks on me again

  10. #10
    WEBB's Avatar
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    your brain can be your worst enemy some times.

  11. #11
    anabolicarms's Avatar
    anabolicarms is offline Associate Member
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    i've asked a doctor the same question and he said that anytime you take get a shot (whether flu or deca ) you can become lightheaded if you have an empty stomach and/or dehydrated

  12. #12
    sbeast007 is offline Senior Member
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    sounds to me like u were very nervous, when u saw blood that tipped u over the edge!

  13. #13
    Pac is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbeast007
    sounds to me like u were very nervous, when u saw blood that tipped u over the edge!
    No, i don't think so. Iv'e cycled before and never experienced something like this. Yes, i was nervous, but the dizziness came 15 seconds after the needle went out. It wasnt normal dizziness, it felt like my head was about to explode.
    Last edited by Pac; 01-09-2006 at 01:38 PM.

  14. #14
    Hard Head's Avatar
    Hard Head is offline Member
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    This is the body/mind going into 'shock'. Lay down on the floor, put your feet up on the wall and keep them there for 5 min. Basically what this is doing is you are keeping your BP up and more blood flowing to the brain at a slightly elevated pressure. You will be fine as long as you don't faint between the time you poke the needle in and when you lay down. Trust me, you will feel MUCH better in a few min, just relax and let your mind/body rest for that 5 min. Stand up slowly. Drink some juice or something uncarbonated with a little sugar in it (gatorade, OJ, V8). You will be fine.

  15. #15
    Ntpadude is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pac
    After i injected some inj.Testosterone in my delt and took the needle out, seconds later i felt really dizzy and my hearing dissapeared on both ears for some seconds! I was absolutely sure i was gonna faint. I'm feeling okay now, but what went wrong? I didn't see any blood in the syringe while aspirating, but i didn't hold it completely steady i think. Some blood came pouring out afterwards.
    You maybe aspirated normally but in the injecting process, maybe your hand wasnt so smooth and needle went in and out a little and you knicked a vein...

    If a "little" of the oil gets into blood stream, you get little bit of dizzyness, ringing in ears, etc... if a lot gets in, you get a high fever style feeling in your lungs followed by uncontrolled coughing. Uncomfortable but not life threatening, although in hospital, if a nurse made this mistake, they probably would have injected you with benedril.

    Unfortunately any raw oil seen in blood stream will be rapidly processed by kidneys and liver and removed so the drug in the oil is probably lost as well. Probably the next time you took a piss an hour later, there was the traces of the oil in it that made it to your blood stream.

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