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Thread: Winny or EQ here..?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Winny or EQ here..?

    im about to go on a cycle of sust/ 500mg week and fina .75mg e/d.
    I was just wondering, should i put winny @ 50mg e/d or should i go with the EQ? How much eq is needed in this cycle? ive never tried eq butr my source has it and says its good. thanks!

  2. #2
    I think an oral (especially winny) would be a nice addition to that cycle. Winstrol is said to be very synergous with test as well as fina. So that should be an awsome cycle.

    How do you plan on running it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    id run it 400-600 mg a week for ten weeks since both sust and eq are long acting esters.the fina u can run it for the first 5 weeks since it is a short acting ester it will help jump strt ur cycle a bit or u can run it towrds the end ( which is what id do) it will put the finishing touch .assuming u havent done many cycles
    1-10 500 mg sust
    1-10 400 eq
    7-12 fin 75 ed.
    then hit your clomid a week after your last hit .remebr your anti es

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    yeah i'd put in winny to help cut ya up and gain weight, eq is more of a runner/endurance thing.

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