would the best way to inj still be every 3days?
would the best way to inj still be every 3days?
No that would be 750mg/9 days. 3X a week. I like to shoot on days I work out. mon., wed., fri. is fine.Originally Posted by briansauras
yes. it would.
most people will shoot monday and thursday. the Idea is to keep blood levels as stable as possible. so, the more often the better
I ment sun/wed the same way you would do it with a less amount accept 0.5cc more each time.Originally Posted by mkrulic
I don't like doing more than 1cc in a shot but if it doesn't make you sick that would be the optimal way to do it, given the long half life and less injects.
make me sick? huhOriginally Posted by mkrulic
1cc only per shot,i have done 5cc per shot several times,why would doin more than 1cc make you sick?
Never heard of doing more than one cc per shot making you sick. Most of my syringes are filled with 3 cc.
1.5ML, Mon/Thurs. Thats if your Test is 250mg/ML.
Originally Posted by Swifto
only time I have problems with more than 1cc is with winny or any water based steriod cuz of the added pain. no prob with 3cc with all other stuff no pain or sickness
can you inject 250mg mon 250mg wed 250mg fri for 12 weeks????????? and kick start it with anadrol or d balls
I love kickstarting with d bol!and kick start it with anadrol or d balls
sure mon wed fri would keep test levels even. and the dbol kickstart is my fav
but do you think 750mg will be bad for acne?????????
ive taken 1k a week no acne but it all depends on the individual
ok but how wouldnt they be level with mon/thur. just cause you add 250mg means mon/thur wont be stable enough?Originally Posted by simster1
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