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Thread: I need some advise on D-Bol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    I need some advise on D-Bol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i just bought some d-bol pills to take before i go to college and i needed some advise on how to take them and what my cycle should be like. ive asked my friend and he said i should stack it with winnie-v but its my first time so i dont know the side effects of that much in my system. if anyone can help me with some info it would help alot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Jag46-- you made one great decision: looking here for advise before starting. If I were you, I would go to the "search" function and type in searches like "d-bol *cycle*" , "d-bol *stacks*, etc. You will find out a ton of info and realize two very important things. First, a d-bol only cycle is most likely a pretty bad idea and, second, stacking d-bol with winny (at the same time) would also not be too wise (especially for a first cylce). Post your stats (age, weight, training experience, etc) and goals. Also post what you already have (i.e. what type of d-bol and how many) and what you have access to. Then, somebody will be able to reccomend you a good first cylce that will be a lot more beneficial and safe than what you have explained. Also, read over some past posts on designing a good first cycle. Type under search "newbie cycle" and under the other part where it asks if you want to specify a specific member's post, type "sk*". This will bring you a very helpful post that should give you a great place to start. After doing this, you will see what you need to do for a good first cycle.

  3. #3
    G-S Guest



    And, when you think you've learned it all...


    After that, come back here with what you have learned, what your ideas are, and THEN we can help you tweek it out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bro firts off how old are u and is it your first?an oral only cycle is not recomended ,i would not run it more then 4 weeks ,also dont take winnie with it since it is 17 alk (so is the dboll)therefore beeing xxtremely toxic to the liver .what as do u have on hand ?them i may be able to help u.what your goals also ?if were u i wuld run a mild cycle at mild doses to see how your body react to it then u get an idea and work your self up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    actually you will find you NEVER stack d-bol and winny together =\

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I'm in here with the rest of YOU!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    You should have done some research on steroids before you bought! Not trying to leccture you--but you would have found out that Dbol-only cycles very rarely give you "keepable" gains. Plus the Dbol is not the only thing you need: you need anti-estrogens (so you don't grow tiny titties) and Clomid (so your Johnson doesn't go limp for a few weeks post-cycle).

    Start reading up on things here. You made the first step. Put the Dbol on the shelf and wait until you know what you are doing!

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