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Thread: first pre show cutting cycle - please help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    first pre show cutting cycle - please help

    my first competition is scheduled in June. I am 5"7' 186, 13-15 % BF. I ran a 16 week cycle in the fall and been off the gear for a month now. The cycle was a Test C and Tren stack, 500mg week 1 thru 6 , 600mg week 7 thru12 and 500mg week 13 thru 16. I saw great results in strength and muscle develpment. I went from 170 to 194 with little gain in BF and bloat. I didnt know about PCT, so i skipped that part and have only noticed marginal loss of strength and bloat. I am eating a clean high calorie diet and plan to start pre contest diet in Feb.

    i need advice on a pre contest cycle and what weight to shoot for. i was told i would be in the novice class lt heavy weight or middle weight and would compete around 167. i will post some pics soon for critiquing purposes. PLEASE help ! i have learned more about bodybuilding on this site and see that a lot of support and info is available. thanks in advance

    i was thinking of starting a small dose of test c until 8 weeks out and start a anavar and winny stack !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by avion1971
    my first competition is scheduled in June. I am 5"7' 186, 13-15 % BF. I ran a 16 week cycle in the fall and been off the gear for a month now. The cycle was a Test C and Tren stack, 500mg week 1 thru 6 , 600mg week 7 thru12 and 500mg week 13 thru 16. I saw great results in strength and muscle develpment. I went from 170 to 194 with little gain in BF and bloat. I didnt know about PCT, so i skipped that part and have only noticed marginal loss of strength and bloat. I am eating a clean high calorie diet and plan to start pre contest diet in Feb.

    i need advice on a pre contest cycle and what weight to shoot for. i was told i would be in the novice class lt heavy weight or middle weight and would compete around 167. i will post some pics soon for critiquing purposes. PLEASE help ! i have learned more about bodybuilding on this site and see that a lot of support and info is available. thanks in advance

    i was thinking of starting a small dose of test c until 8 weeks out and start a anavar and winny stack !
    Anavar and Winnie are both 17aa and will do a number on your liver but I am sure you already know this

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    thanks for the heads up

    i only thought tabs would do a number... what do you suggest ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by avion1971
    i was thinking of starting a small dose of test c until 8 weeks out and start a anavar and winny stack !
    If you want to control the bloat from test you could run test prop and/or letro/arimidex/aromasin to stop aromatization of test to estrogen. In combination to that I would run some tren acetate and masteron propinate, provided your BF% is low enough. I suppose you could run longer esters and still use AI's, but it's more personal preference. You could also toss in some anavar, primo depot too if you got the cash to use it right and run no less then say 700mg weekly. Keep researching precontest stacks. It's all in your diet, training and cardio bro. AAS are only going to excentuate what you've already built.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    any other takers on this one...

    come on guys... i have searched until i am silly... i just need a time line and game plan for my show... i have anavar, winny, test c, GH or tren available... what would be a good time line.... my show is in June


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by avion1971
    my first competition is scheduled in June. I am 5"7' 186, 13-15 % BF. I ran a 16 week cycle in the fall and been off the gear for a month now. The cycle was a Test C and Tren stack, 500mg week 1 thru 6 , 600mg week 7 thru12 and 500mg week 13 thru 16. I saw great results in strength and muscle develpment. I went from 170 to 194 with little gain in BF and bloat. I didnt know about PCT, so i skipped that part and have only noticed marginal loss of strength and bloat. I am eating a clean high calorie diet and plan to start pre contest diet in Feb.

    i need advice on a pre contest cycle and what weight to shoot for. i was told i would be in the novice class lt heavy weight or middle weight and would compete around 167. i will post some pics soon for critiquing purposes. PLEASE help ! i have learned more about bodybuilding on this site and see that a lot of support and info is available. thanks in advance

    i was thinking of starting a small dose of test c until 8 weeks out and start a anavar and winny stack !
    If your at 186 right now, go nut with the tbol and deca prop. Dont worry about the weight gain because you'll have no problem depleting back down to 186 (being the max weight for light heavyweight). or if you would like to compete at middle weight, get yourself a shit load of anavar, shit load of prop, and some long ether test, run the long ether till about 6 weeks out, then pick up with the prop till about 1.5 weeks out. Try running mastradon with the var up until about 3-4 weeks out then switch up for the winny shots. with proper dieting and will power to stay on track the results will be great.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    Anavar and Winnie are both 17aa and will do a number on your liver but I am sure you already know this
    by the way anavar is non liver toxic, do your research, and winny will do a number on your joints, especially when your dehidrated. so watch your program carefully and do realize that your strength will drop.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by avion1971
    come on guys... i have searched until i am silly... i just need a time line and game plan for my show... i have anavar, winny, test c, GH or tren available... what would be a good time line.... my show is in June

    So, you want someone else to do the foot work for ya and just tell ya what to do? Begin on the day of your show and work backwards. If you want to be on for 3 months then you'll need to begin the cycle the begining of March. I'd say go for 16 weeks and do 8 to build then 8 to cutt. Figure it out for yuorself bro becasue no one else is gonna do the homework for ya.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    do tren and winstrol and low dosage test and u will be satisfied winstrol and tren are the best steroids for competition

  10. #10
    i'm doin winstrol, tren, masteron, proviron, and arimidex.

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