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Thread: inject concern and deca and test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Question inject concern and deca and test

    guys iam a newbie at the game but i just came off my first cycle of test enthenate 500mg a week for 6 weeks and did clomid for the last 2 weeks my inject ? is i shot my selfin the shoulder when i pullled back on the syring no blood came in when i shot and took it out a god bit of blood came out do i have any thing to concern about ?

    and iam ging to start anthor cycle of test enthante 250mg week with deca 200mg a week for 10 weeks and clomid for last two weeks does thatsoud good iam 21years old iam 5'11 210lbs 8%body fat what can iexpect to gain from that cycle

  2. #2
    Nice knowin ya bro.... should be dead in 5...4...3...2....oh wait, I'm thinkin of something else. Ha. You should be alright. I did that with my leg and it's b/c you poked through a vein on the way in.

    Don't start the clomid until 2 weeks after your last shot.

    Don't ask what you can expect to gain. It's simple. Sit on your ass - nothing. Bust your ass - mabye 15 - 20 pounds. I'd run the test 200 (enant) at 400 mg's a week (2 ccs), and run the deca at 400 mgs. Get more if you have to.

    BTW, where are you getting test enant. at 250 mgs? It's 200 mg / mL - you injecting 1 1/8 cc ? Sounds like you're talkin about Sus250 ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    bro my fault iment to put 200mg of test

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