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Thread: Sustanon vs. enan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az

    Sustanon vs. enan

    i have used sustanon in my first two cycles and i know that it gave me good results. i have heard people on here say they like enan because it is a single ester and you dont have to shoot as often. the shooting part doesnt bother me i shot the sustanon last time at .7ccs eod for ten weeks. the reason i am asking because i would like to try the enan but when i was looking at's chart for keeping gains of enan it only had one star and sustanon has two. so should i use enan in my new cycle? or just
    maybe increase the sustanon to a 1000mgs per week? what do you guys think?

    i am 6'1 230lbs i would like some gain some mass
    so i was thinking about this puppy this time

    week 1-12 1000mgs of enan
    week 1-10 600mgs of deca
    pct at week 14 for a month

  2. #2
    I get just as good of results from enanthate as I have ever got from sustanon. But that is me. You may get differing opinions on this.

    If I want to run another short ester with the enanthate, I will start the cycle off with some prop. on top of the enanthate for the first 3 or 4 weeks.

    That cycle looks pretty good. Pretty high for a third one, but that is just my opinion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az
    maybe i should lower the enan to 750mgs per week

  4. #4
    That is what I would do, but it is up to you. If your body will respond well to 750, why go up to 1,000. That is just my train of thought. I think that for your third cycle you will probably see great results from that. How much did you run for your first two?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az
    first cycle of sustanon i ran 500mgs per week....front laoded at 750mgs for two weeks....
    second cycle i ran 750mgs of sustanon and 500mgs of deca

    i can get 50mgs 50ml....
    i can use 50mgs eod....throw that in with 750mgs of enan and 500mgs of deca

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az
    what about this bad boy...??

    week 1-2 1000mgs of enan
    week 3-12 750mgs of enan
    week 1-10 200mgs of equipoise
    week 1-10 300mgs of deca

  7. #7
    Why run eq and decca? And why are you starting with a higher dose of test.

    If you want to kick start the cycle, throw in some prop. for the first 3 weeks of the cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az
    does equipoise act like deca...just in a lower form?

  9. #9
    I would probably stick with the decca over the eq if you are looking for some size.

    Eq is nice when trying to stay lean. I have problems with cramping while on it. Every time. But that is me.

    Decca is going to hold a bit of water, but should help you make some good gains.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Dont take that steroid ranking chart too seriously. Some people loose alot of gains post cycle and some next-to-none. It depends on the person not the compound.

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