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Thread: Boldebal-H from Ilium Fake or Not ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria

    Boldebal-H from Ilium Fake or Not ?

    Hi, my name is mike and I am from South Africa.

    I am planning on doing a Boldebal-H (Equipoise) from Ilium.
    I plan to take it with sustanon.
    I have recieved my Boldebal-H but the lid is not green nor is it silver but a goldish colour, it does not have a black stripe underneath the lid.
    It comes with a white/ green stiker (Ilium Boldebal-H)

    10ml bottle 50ml/ml

    Is this the real stuff ?

    Welcome to the real world.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    What no reply's from all you experience users?
    come on guys I need some Help here.

    Welcome To The Real World.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Hey there Morpheus. Is your Boldebal made in Australia or somewhere else? I have seen plenty of legitimate bottles from Aus. They sound very similar to your description but all the one's i've seen have a silver lid. Im not sure what you mean by a black stripe underneath the lid though. Do you mean the little pull off plate that covers the rubber top?? If so then i can't remember if it did or not. Other than that you will have to post a pic so i can compare.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    Thanks guys for your posts, you see the original Boldebal-h had a green lid , and the fake had a silver lidbut since then Ilium has changed their original bottle. if you go to under profiles they have a picture, which has a silver lid now, but my lid is goldish and does not have that black strip under the lid.
    Otherwise it looks identical.

    Thanks .

    Welcome to the Real world

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    South Africa, Pretoria
    Originally posted by dudsy
    Hey there Morpheus. Is your Boldebal made in Australia or somewhere else? I have seen plenty of legitimate bottles from Aus. They sound very similar to your description but all the one's i've seen have a silver lid. Im not sure what you mean by a black stripe underneath the lid though. Do you mean the little pull off plate that covers the rubber top?? If so then i can't remember if it did or not. Other than that you will have to post a pic so i can compare.

    Yes, it is made in Australia.

  7. #7
    HELP i just purchased some boldebal-h and it has a silver lid are all those with a silver lid fake ??? if so which are the fakes and which are not?

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