Hey guys/gals, you prolly remember me from my other posts, but just in-case you forgot my cycle, here it is:
Week 1-10: Brovel T200 ( 400mg/week )
Week 1-10: TTokkyo EQ ( 400mg/week )
Week 8-13: Denkall Winny ( 50mg/ED )
This is my FIRST cycle. I need to know about Syringes!
I am going to inject in Delts/Quads, and give the Glutes a try and see how it goes. I have to inject myself, so may be hard.
I am going to use 23gx1" for Delts/Quads, and 23gx1.5" for Glutes...
The syringes are 3ML syringes ( 3ccs)
Is that fine?
How many syringes do I need for entire cycle? I know you need to change the needle after drawing, but how many syringes do I need?
I would guess you need 2 syringes for EACH shot? Because you have to change needle? How does that work?
P.S. I will be shooting 1cc of T200 and 1cc of EQ in each shot, Monday and Thursday. ( total of 2cc's per shot, 2 times/week )
Thanks for help, got my gear, just need to get the syringes and get to work!
I can draw with the 23g also, correct? Just will take a little longer?