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Thread: just a few questions for a newbie

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    just a few questions for a newbie

    k first of all, i am and always have been very skinny, 6'2 160lbish and a bunch of my friends are doin d-bol tablets and a few different things like equipoise through needles but there body types already had meat on them when they started. also, my diet has always been pretty good but i must have too high of a metabolism to never gain any weight. do any of you guys have any suggestions. my friends have suggested i should get on some d-bol tabs for a few weeks and see if that helps at all but since alot of you guys really seem to know what you're doin i figured i'd come here to ask for help first. what can i do to put on some weight?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    First off, welcome to AR!

    Second, give us a little more info. How long have you been training, how old are you, what are your goals and give us "your definition" of eating good (details on your daily eating regime).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    k im 24, my goals are not to be totally ripped like my friends want to be, i just would like to gain 20-30 lbs so i dont look as skinny any more. i eat a lot of red meat and pork chops and drink a ton of water and milk and thats about it. i dont take any nutritional pills or vitamins or powder either.
    my lifestyle however is not so healthy since i work 10 hour graveyard shifts as a merchandiser in a high volume store that often leaves me without any energy, i never go to the weightroom cause i have always thought that there isnt any point without any mass to turn into muscle, but i do a lot of running, biking and rollerblading but thats about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Valhalla, where the brave live forever!
    If you wanna gain mass cut back on the cardio and eat, eat like everything in sight. I wouldn't do d-bol by itself because of the water, but try and stack it with something else. On the first page there are cycles for novices I suggest you read that. I got most of my info through there. And read the board if you have a question on eating or weight gain do a search. I hope this helps, good luck.
    Try working out before you go to work, there a lot of guys who hit the gym at hours beyond the norm. find a routine that works for you and then try adding some weight gainer, tweak you diet, add protein, and give your diet a chance to work. It will help you get your body right before you cycle.
    Last edited by j.j.; 05-21-2002 at 03:44 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    New Jersey
    My Sugestion to you would be if your not going to Lift then don't ever bother even thinking about any kind of A.S. If you want to gain some weight then you sould be eating at least 6 times a day or every 3 hours. These are not huge meals either but in your case you should be eating everything and anything you can. Like i said before space you meals out every three hours. I also suggest you buy yourself somekind of protein maybe Nitro-Tech, drink that during the day as well. You have to at least consume 1.5 grams of protein for every pound you weigh. Protein is essential if you want to gain muscle and weight. Also go to the gym you will be surprised how much better you feel about yourself and your body if you go. I followed this routine and I was 6ft 150lbs about 3 months after lifting and eating right I was up to 165lbs and alot stronger. At that point I was dying to get bigger so I purchased 10cc's of Deca and gained about 10 more lbs bringing me up to about 175-178 and i was eating anything I could shove down my throat. Basically my advice to you is listen and read anything that you can on this site before trying anything, these guys are like encyclopedia's of information. GOOD LUCK i'm sure you will be fine if you listen and learn....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    .99 cent store
    Originally posted by 2skinny
    k im 24, my goals are not to be totally ripped like my friends want to be, i just would like to gain 20-30 lbs so i dont look as skinny any more. i eat a lot of red meat and pork chops and drink a ton of water and milk and thats about it. i dont take any nutritional pills or vitamins or powder either.
    my lifestyle however is not so healthy since i work 10 hour graveyard shifts as a merchandiser in a high volume store that often leaves me without any energy, i never go to the weightroom cause i have always thought that there isnt any point without any mass to turn into muscle, but i do a lot of running, biking and rollerblading but thats about it.
    Start taking your vitamins, eat 3,000-4,000 calories a day, buy some meal replacements such as n-large(700 calories w/milk), cut down on your cardio, and get in the weight room more often. You're not going to grow on d-bol if your not hitting the weights. I don't recommend you getting on a cycle since you don't workout and if you do, you need to workout for at least 1-2 years b4 getting on a cycle. Roids don't make miracles happen! Welcome BTW Get on the diet forum for more help.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    .99 cent store
    Oh, and if you're not hungry, get in the gym and i guarantee you you'll be eating everthing in sight. good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    thanks guys, i started eatin like a mofo today since i figured out i wasnt gettin enough protein. i did some readin on this site and i think im gonna try out that celltech stuff and anaplex for a few weeks and see if that helps at all.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    after that i was thinkin about maybe gettin on an anadrol50mg cycle that was listed in the cycles for novices maybe in 6 months or so, depending on how much weight i can put on in the meantime.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    London UK
    You are doing right by eating more and taking some extra protien but the bottom line is that if you dont go to the gym you may as well forget all about the prohormones (Which are crap anyway and only cause side effects) and the AS because with no lifting you wont gain anything much from them at all, and definately NOT 20lb or more (Unless its fat from all that eating!)

    Remember that the guys here take it as read that you will be in the gym at least 3 times a week. I had to re-read that bit you wrote about not lifting!

    If you choose to use ANY kind of AS at all (Assuming you have the sense to work out in the gym for some time BEFORE you start using them) make sure you do a search and read up why you should ALSO be keeping a stock of anti-e and clomid.

    Failure to have those two things along with your AS will result in you being one unhappy bunny and probably as skinny as you were to start with!

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