I got a buddy whos taking Fina and deca together. I have heard mixed reviews but he has done it before and got amazing gains but im sure there has to be some side effects
I got a buddy whos taking Fina and deca together. I have heard mixed reviews but he has done it before and got amazing gains but im sure there has to be some side effects
Bad news...
First of all, I wouldn't mix the two. Secondly, mixing the two without test is a major NO NO!
Your buddy must be getting solid gains but I'll tell you this...he's not ****ing any bitches. Tren+Deca = shut down hard.
So he probably forgot what a woman looks like at this point.
Well I really wanna bulk up but I know fina is more of a lean muscle steroid so i have done test and deca before and got solid gains, but i know i wanna change things up. I was wondering about like sust, fina and EQ how would that be as in terms of bulk and strength
Originally Posted by Tampasm0stwanted
You want bulk? First of all, whats your cycle experience? Then, I'll help you.
ok I was taking Sust 250 eod for 12 weeks... along with Deca 400mg a week for 8 then upped it to 600 for 3 so i gave myself an extra week of test cuz i know thats recommended. Also a lil dbol 50 mg ed in the beginning to just kick start it.
Originally Posted by Tampasm0stwanted
Cool, you don't need all that. You're relatively young.
Try this...
1-12 Test E 750mg/week
1-10 Deca 500mg/week
1-4 Dbol 50mg/ED
If you do that correctly as far as diet, training, rest. You're gonna blow up. I ran something similar not too long ago and I have extremely way more experience then you and I still get explosive gains. If you're saying that cycle you mentioned above was your first then you don't have enough experience.
Well you dont suggest mixing it up and maybe experimenting with other things. i mean it wont be until like august when i start cuz im giving myself serious off time. But i was always curious about tren
Originally Posted by Tampasm0stwanted
Was that your first cycle?
yes it was
i got off in december like the first week
Originally Posted by Tampasm0stwanted
Then you should not venture into Tren yet. Your first cycle was way too much gear and you will regret it in the future when 2 years from now you will have to be running 2000mg of test just to grow a little bit.
You should have ran no more then 500mg of test E for your first cycle. Now that you have introduced three compounds at once in your body the shock will probably never be the same. That's why it's suggested that newbies start 500mg Test then add a second compound, then MAYBE a third after a few cycles.
You have no idea at this point how you reacted seperately to each one of those compounds. You don't need to stack. For your next cycle do a Test+Dbol or Test+Deca.
Be smart........just because you take 6 compounds doesn't mean you're gonna grow bigger then if you took 1-2 compounds and did it correctly.
very true massacre, im on a deca/test cycle currently, going to be running tren ed, after i stop my deca and give it a couple weeks to leave me body. what tren dose do you suggest to be ran with 600mg test e a week? i was thinkin 50mg ed, or 150 eod.
Originally Posted by Massacre
you could add masteron to this cycle
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