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Thread: Half-Life

  1. #1


    I would like to clear up something as I have seen in mentioned several times on this board. I am not trying to be a smart ass either, just inform. Half-life of a drug really has no effect on how long the drug is actually "working" in the body. I am a pharmaceutical sales rep and this is one of the first things we learn. I carry a blood pressure pill that has a half-life of 6hrs, but it is effective in the body for over 24hrs, giving max. benefit. there are some dyspepsia drugs out there with a half life of several months, that doesn't mean you take one every 3 months, thats just how long it takes for the product itself to completely break down. But the "medicinal effects" are only good on that drug for 24hrs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Oakland Athletics
    When will my "GEAR" kick in & frontloading explained...NOW READ IT!


    I have been reading so many posts about when will my gear kick in...and quite frankly i am gettin gsick of i decided to put up a post that will explain all of that in about as clear format as i can. No matter what gear you take, this formula applies to everything, the acctual numbers might be fictitious but the concept is the same no matter what gear you choose. First off all let’s clear up the idea of esters. Esters do not slow down the initial release of hormones into blood stream they only extend the half-life of the drugs. Half-life mean that, that is you inject certain amount of drug, in a certain amount of day half of that drug will still be active. For example if you take 250mg of drug and it’s half life is 7 days, that means that in 7 days there will be 125mg of that drug still active in your system. With all AS once they are injected there is a huge release that takes place and most of the drug is in your system within 1 day. The only reason that some people do not feel the effect immediately is that the buildup of that drug to substantial/effective amount takes place over time. There is a solution to that; it’s called front loading. Front loading means taking double or triple (I recommend double) amount of the drug on your first day of the cycle. For example if you were planning to take 250mg of Sust per week, you would take 500mg on day 1 of your cycle. I hope this all makes sense and clears up a few misconceptions about “when is my gear going to kick in”, because it’s RIGHT NOW!!! As I said it works for everything, EQ, Deca, Test any ester, Tren Eenth, Masteron everything…just the half life’s change.

    Regular way of taking AS and its natural buildup progression:
    Day 1 – 250mg
    Day 7 – 125mg + 250mg = 375mg
    Day 14 – 187.5 + 250mg = 437.5mg
    Day 21 – 219.2 + 250mg = 469.2mg
    Day 28 - 234.6 + 250mg = 484.6mg
    Day 35 – 242.3 + 250mg = 492.3mg
    Day 42 – 246.1 + 250mg = 496.1mg

    Now progression with “Double Dose” front loading:
    Day 1 – 500mg
    Day 7 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 14 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg
    Day 21 – 250mg + 250mg = 500mg

  3. #3
    I see your point and that is a good thread, I am just informing of what physicians and the scientists that make "regular" pharmaceuticals know on half life. It is very true that it is still in the system, but with the way, hypertension meds work, say we have a 160mg pill. Its half life is 6hrs. So according to the thread you posted, if I am right it should work probably at the most 12hrs. But that isn't the case. It is working just as strong at hour one as it is hour 24. Thats all I'm saying, maybe aas is different.

  4. #4
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    i donno exactly i dont do all the research on aas or medications but i go by the rules above, u know. i see what your saying though.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    from what i understand if you have a 160mg pill with a half life of 6 hrs that means in 6 hrs you will have half of the original dose so 80 mg but that doesnt mean it breaks down at the same rate the whole time.if that were the case the drug would be gone in 12 hrs but the drug could lose 80 mg in the first 6 hrs but you may have 75mg in you the next day and 70 the day after satying at a effective dose for weeks.

  6. #6
    thats a good point too. The reason I posted this is because I was reading other threads, and I thought some of the guys were thinking (just like some of my docs do), that the half life meant that the drug only worked for whatever the amount of time the half life was. Listening to you guys now, it seems that isn't the case. You seem to actually know what you're talking about. You wouldn't believe the amount of time I spend trying to talk to physicians and making them understand this, because reps for other companies that have long half-lifes try to make it sound beneficial, so it confuses everyone.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    The duration of action of a drug is known as its half life. This is the period of time required for the concentration or amount of drug in the body to be reduced by one-half. We usually consider the half life of a drug in relation to the amount of the drug in plasma. A drug’s plasma half-life depends on how quickly the drug is eliminated from the plasma. A drug molecule that leaves plasma may have any of several fates. It can be eliminated from the body, or it can be translocated to another body fluid compartment such as the intracellular fluid or it can be destroyed in the blood. The removal of a drug from the plasma is known as clearance and the distribution of the drug in the various body tissues is known as the volume of distribution. Both of these pharmacokinetic parameters are important in determining the half life of a drug.

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