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Thread: Is 3 months off enough to get a good response out of a cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Is 3 months off enough to get a good response out of a cycle?

    as my title says.. What is the optimal time to wait between cycles (gains wise) - not considering any other topic related to PCT / offseason now. Also if a person would respond better after waiting 6 months but the diffrence wouldnt be so big then IMO that wouldnt be optimal...

  2. #2
    Remember that there is no such thing as receptor saturation. You would probably make better gains in your cycle after 6 months off rather than 3 months, but that would probably be because your progress has regresses after such a long break.

    3 months off seems to work well, you can still maintain most of your gains from previous cycle and the body seems ready to grow again.

    I dont think there is a definite answer to why growth slows the longer on cycle, could be elavated SHBG levels, are the body wanting to maintain homeostasis so you will only grow in stages. My guess is it would be a bit of both probably more of the latter than the former expalnation.

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