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  1. #1
    Jray1der's Avatar
    Jray1der is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2005
    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)

    EQ Question...Need Answers

    Hey fellas, just wanted to know, is there any benefit of shooting EQ ed in like 85mg doses or e3.5d at 300mg's? If you have an ideal as to what the pos. or neg is, or which you would prefer, please let me know.

    current cycle:
    Drol: 100mgs ed 4wks
    Prop: 100mgs ed 14wks
    EQ: 600mgs ew 12wks--considering ed injects with prop and tren
    Tren A: 80mgs ed 10 or 12wks
    Halo: 40mgs ed last 6wks of cycle
    milk thistle, cranny extract

  2. #2
    Jray1der's Avatar
    Jray1der is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2005
    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)

  3. #3
    velvetlion's Avatar
    velvetlion is offline Banned
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    Oct 2005
    I know a lot of people who will mix it in with there ED shots just to mellow out the prop. I would go ahead and do it since you have the prop and tren in there already.

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