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Thread: hgh

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    i just got a box of serostim 6mg it says on the box 6mg(approximately 18 iu) but when i checked the water which is 1ml it only came out to be around 12 iu.
    i dont understand there are 7 vials of water(1 ml) and 7 vials of powder and if it 18 iu per vial like it says on the box then why when i mix it it only comes out to be 12 iu?

    please some help

  2. #2
    ur posting in the wrong forum. go to the insulin/hgh forum. but r u sure it was 1ml of water, it coulda been less by mistake. secondly, nobody recommends using the water that comes with the kit, use b-water for mixing, u can buy it on the banner above, it makes the hgh last longer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Next time post this in the GH forum.

    1mL of water reconstitutes 18iu's of GH. I dont understand where you got 12iu from?

    The most effective way to do this is to mix 1.8mL of BW and that will equal out to 1iu for every 10 on a 1cc Slin pin. That will make it much easier for measuring.......

    There's 18iu in every vial, no way of changing that..

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