ive tried every spot on spotinjections.com with fina except the glute. i am now running a en/eq cycle and thinking of putting it in the glute. how does it compare to the quad because that is currently my spot of choice?
ive tried every spot on spotinjections.com with fina except the glute. i am now running a en/eq cycle and thinking of putting it in the glute. how does it compare to the quad because that is currently my spot of choice?
I save the glute for the more painful injections which for me is Sust. I mix the Sust and the Fina and oohhhhh like warm apple pie, wait, ummmm, that came out wrong...
I love it. I have posted many times saying that I love injections of gear. I get this incredible rush. Especially in the morning when my bosy is pumped from the day before's work-out. Good God I can't unitl this Thrusday night.
But in all seriousness bro, th elgute is a good spot to inject. I don't think you will have any problems. Just remember to plunge before you pump the gear into you ass.
i hate ass shots...love the quads. Most people frequent them, but I think they are uncomfortable, and hard to reach. JMO
i found the glut to be less painful then the quad, but maybe i just wiggled the needle too much when i did it . I was sore for a week when i hit my quad
if you have someone you trust to stick you, the Glute is (for me) the least painful and easiest to deal with,, but its a hard solo shot..
I've had quad shots that made it hard to walk.... (EQ/TEST)
I do my own glutes but have had success with delts and seems to be less painful then glutes but that is just me eq/test
I shoot glutes my self and I feel less pain than the quads!
My favorites are glutes and delts!
I do an occasional bi and tri
Did chest once didnt like it!
Havent got the urge to do lats, traps or calfs
Glutes is the way i go, or delts i love doing delts!@
Delts huh?!?! I haven't got the nerve up to go there yet,,, what size/length Point do you guys suggest?
25 G, 1" or 25 G, 5/8"Originally posted by ripped4fsu
Delts huh?!?! I haven't got the nerve up to go there yet,,, what size/length Point do you guys suggest?
i usually use the glute with almost everything, if not than i go with babysqueeze and use the quad, but i prefer the glute more
I use quads & glutes. Quads have the potential to sting a bit more, you have far more pain receptors in the quad muscles than in your glutes--or delts for that matter.
But none of the abovementioned sites hurt that much--and glutes, well, you hardly feel a thing!
I self-inject my glutes--practice doing one-handed injects on your quads then, once you are comfortable with one-handed technique, move to the glutes. Do it in front of the mirror the first few times--it's easier to target. Use freckles on your ass for the bullseye!
Last edited by Ajax; 05-22-2002 at 10:22 AM.
Glutes for me!!!!! After you have done it a couple times, its like second nature...I will be taking my 6th inject tomorrow and have already gotten very good at one hand aspiration...23g 1.5" all the way! Just gotta practice.
I love to do mine in the legs ....it's to much trouble to inject into your ass.
I shhot glutes and only glutes....love it never any pain!!
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