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Thread: !!M1T!! used along with clen/T3 combo...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    !!M1T!! used along with clen/T3 combo...

    Hey guys long time no speak! Not been on here for a while

    Heres what Im after. A friend of mine is hoping to lose some fat and maybe gain a little muscle (Mainly fat loss)

    I know the issues on M1T vary a lot, but ive used it once in the past when it first came out (Well when I first knew) and had great results BUT at that time, I didnt know about PCT so I lost it all! Anyway, that was stacked with 4AD then. I gained muscle, lost fat and felt great. Got me over a plateau.

    I have about 400 of those tabs left as I bought in bulk, so i mentioned them to him. He is interested in them and has said he wants to do a 4week cycle that i mentioned - 10mg ED, followed by PCT. He wont do real AAS so I why not ??ive warned him about the sides, and Im sure hell stop if they get bad.

    Anyway, I thought if hes wanting to lose fat mainly then the T3/Clen combo would be good. But, generally, I know you need to be on some sort of muscle building AAS to prevent the muscle loss from the T3. SO, I thought use them all together - M1T (Gain/prevent muscle loss), T3 and Clen (Orals)

    So my question is, how can he add the T3/clen to the following cycle -

    Weeks 1-4: 10 mg ED of M1t
    Weeks 5-8: 40 mg ED of Nolvadex for the first two weeks, Then down to 20 mg ED of Nolvadex

    Also, what are your oppinions on the above ? Will it work ? (I know diet/training (Im working on that wi him) is the way and AAS would be better to use, but he wants some accellerated results!)

    Thanks guys!

    P.S. He is about 5'11" and is 210lbs or just under, plays rugby and weight trains 4 or more time per week and has some good strength in areas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    i dont beleive ive had no replies ??

    Im getting tired of always trying to help other posts n not getting anything when I ask a question?!

    My past 3/4 posts have been the same. There must be someone out there with some info please ????

    After I said how good this site was and the people on here as well..........

  5. #5
    Im not sure if just doing M1T alone will prevent all muscle loss, or if its a good idea to leave out test anyway. Almost like a dbol only cycle but Im not fully familiar with M1T, but it is similar to dbol correct? What are the doses on the clen/T3?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Not sure on the doses at the mo cos its been a while since i looked into that. I have them somewhere i think, I was hoping someone would have gave me all that on here....


  7. #7
    Well T3 doses basically go hand in hand with clen keep that in mind. Some like to go on the low side since it eats at muscle. Not sure if M1T could prevent muscle loss at say 100mcg of T3. Your thyroid produces 12.5mcg daily I believe.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    thanx 4 that so far....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    if theres a reason hardly anyones not replyin, at least let me know please

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    So Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by dazbo
    if theres a reason hardly anyones not replyin, at least let me know please
    i wasn't going to because it was 10mg m1t.

    It's possible to not lose LBM on high doses of T3, you just have to know exactly what your diet needs to be for "you"

    he should be fine, looks good. what would the clen dosing be for him

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    good stuff, thanks. What wrong wi 10mg M1t ??

    Hoping someone would help out on the clen dose - otherwise Ill just av t find some time to dig through my notes.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    good stuff, thanks. What wrong wi 10mg M1t ??

    Hoping someone would help out on the clen dose - otherwise Ill just av t find some time to dig through my notes.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I don't think its a good idea man, use a moderate dose of test and save the M1T for a future bulker. That's just me, I know when I have stuff "left over" i want to use it too but I don't think it makes sense. Also M1T being so toxic is bad enough, you throw in the clen/t3 and that's pretty tough on your body. Not to mention you'd be shut down, and that makes it hard to do cardio...being lethargic.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I didn't reply because I have no personal experience with M1T....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thanks so far.

    Not checked this for a while. Thing is madflabby, its not for me, its for a friend (Although I must admit I was thinking of doing it maybe due to cash being v low at mo and i cant afford more AAS). He really does not want to do full on AAS, neither injectables or orals. Hes really putting the effort in at the gym, has practically cut out drinking (Pretty good going from fairly heavy drinker to nothing) and is desperate to get the fat down and some shape back ready for summer.

    HE seems to think that he could cope with the lethargy as Ive told him about that. I cant find 4-AD anywhere cos I dont think its sold anymore but that would have been perfect for that.

    Thanks so far

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Could you get him to sign up here, maybe check out the diet section?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    hes already signed up, and I know enough about diet to point him in the right direction there although I dont think his diet is anywhere near perfect - but I cant expect him to do 3 major life changes all in one go - its gotta come in time aint it

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    sounds like he is just looking for a good placebo effect. he use creatine, glutamine and protein properly?

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