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Thread: Starting First Cycle with Deca + Win

  1. #1

    Starting First Cycle with Deca + Win

    I just decided to start juicin'. Im going to do deca 250mg/ml and winny50 mg/ml, Any tips on doses, and how many weeks to go...I was thinking 8-10 but dont really know much about this plus I never used before....Help me out!!!

  2. #2
    Stop. Dont run that. Go to the steroid forum and ask them for a good cycle for a first timer and they will tell you 10 weeks of test at 500mg per week. Deca& winstrol is no good. #1 Theyre basically completely opposite and do 2 different things. Deca without test could make you lose function down below.

  3. #3
    thanks for the info, is there anything else i should know. I 2 bottles test prop.100mg/ml-10ml, 1bottle equipoise 100mg/ml 10ml, 1 bottle decabol 250mg/ml 10ml, ansd winstrol on the way 50mg/ml 15ml. What do you recomend?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Somewhere in cyberspace..
    Quote Originally Posted by iLayPipe
    thanks for the info, is there anything else i should know. I 2 bottles test prop.100mg/ml-10ml, 1bottle equipoise 100mg/ml 10ml, 1 bottle decabol 250mg/ml 10ml, ansd winstrol on the way 50mg/ml 15ml. What do you recomend?
    1. Do more research on gear.......2. Make sure your sources shit is offense but it seems like you dont know too much about the game just yet......

    If I were you, i'd get test enanthate...and do
    500mg a week for 10 weeks(250mg every 4 days).

    ..use the test prop to jumpstart the cycle if you like. Save the other shit for later bro...............

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by hoss827
    1. Do more research on gear.......2. Make sure your sources shit is offense but it seems like you dont know too much about the game just yet......

    If I were you, i'd get test enanthate...and do
    500mg a week for 10 weeks(250mg every 4 days).

    ..use the test prop to jumpstart the cycle if you like. Save the other shit for later bro...............

    3.5 days.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    moving this... to the steroid forum.


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