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Thread: Does anyone just get tired of eating all the time?

  1. #1

    Does anyone just get tired of eating all the time?

    My appetite has gone through the roof since i started my cycle 5 weeks ago of 500 mg Sus, 25 mg bdol and 400 mg deca. I literally get tired of chewing i eat so much ( i think i got the most gains in my jaw muscles) Can I substitute a meal or two of solid food for shakes and other supplemental drinks and still mantain the rate of gains that i am getting 22 lbs in 5 weeks?

    "Fuck the state penn, Fuck hoes at Penn State"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I hear ya bro, I get tired of it sometime, especially when eating only clean foods, I eat the same foods and get sick of it, you just have to keep doing it though. You can supplement some shakes in their, just make sure you are still getting nutrients from vitamins that you miss through actual food.


  3. #3
    Mike Guest
    Obviously you arent going to want to completely substitute your meats and meals with shakes and supps - there is more to nutrition than that surface (like getting the right number of protein/carbs and fat) these cant always come from a good shake - there are so many essential amino acids and vitamins etc in meats and foods that you dont even realize that will not be completely covered in your protein shakes but yes eating gets tiresome at that level - and yes throw some shakes and mrps in there as necessary

  4. #4
    ptbyjason Guest
    Those are good suggestions. I was thinking magic pills.

    Sorry, I had to drag that in from the other post.

  5. #5
    Mike Guest

    You can't just go telling EVERYONE bout those! Geez!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    All the eating does kind of getting tiring. I take 2-3 shakes/day at about 70g protein each. It really helps and I'm not sure how I'd get by without 'em.

  7. #7
    ptbyjason Guest
    sorry mike, it won't happen again.

    Seriously though, if I didn't have protein bars and shakes I wouldn't know how to function. It gets really old cooking 4 - 5 meals worth of food every day.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Winston-Salem, NC
    I hate eating all the time. I never hungry and i just throw food down my throat. But you gotta do what you gotta do. I am thinking of inventing a new steroid that is filled with 1/6 of your days needs of nutrition this way you can inject your meals instead of eating them

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Deacon
    I hate eating all the time. I never hungry and i just throw food down my throat. But you gotta do what you gotta do. I am thinking of inventing a new steroid that is filled with 1/6 of your days needs of nutrition this way you can inject your meals instead of eating them
    hey, id buy that! by the way, how did this old thread resurface?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Plane Hell ( No Wonder it feels hot )
    You mean I dont have to resemble a cow grazing in pastures by constantly chewing.

    Seriously though, thank God for the imvention of shakes and bars. Good source of protien and carbs without all the huge volume of food required.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Calgary Alberta
    LOL my shakes and bars are easier too sometimes but they taste like sh*t we just cant win- but we sure look like we do

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Calgary Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by Donovan
    LOL my shakes and bars are easier too sometimes but they taste like sh*t we just cant win- but we sure look like we do
    PS. ive been hearing of these magic pills since i was a kid please send me more info

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    new york
    it's not some much eating , but force feeding that i hate. when i'm hungry i love to eat, but when i am eating by a clock and not my stomach it gets fustrating. and yes thank the big man upstairs for protein and and carb drinks. i would of quit along time ago without them. i recently switched back to prolab n-large2. i was looking for more calories and less fat. these **** things really taste delicious too. i actually look forward to is by far the best tasting protein/weight gainer i ever tried. can't rememeber why i switched off of them ???

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Plane Hell ( No Wonder it feels hot )
    Quote Originally Posted by legend
    it's not some much eating , but force feeding that i hate. when i'm hungry i love to eat, but when i am eating by a clock and not my stomach it gets fustrating. and yes thank the big man upstairs for protein and and carb drinks. i would of quit along time ago without them. i recently switched back to prolab n-large2. i was looking for more calories and less fat. these **** things really taste delicious too. i actually look forward to is by far the best tasting protein/weight gainer i ever tried. can't rememeber why i switched off of them ???
    Yeah, I was told that the body would adapt to eating 5-7 times a day but it sure hasnt. And you feel like such a glutton when you aint hungry but are still eating. And I agree those bars and shakes taste like absolute garbage. But I guess that something tasting that bad can only be good for you.

    I think Ill hook up an IV drip to my arm with a shake in the bag and walk around with that all day

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