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Thread: Bitch Tits!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Bitch Tits!!!

    NEED HELP. I have been taking 300mg deca/ wk and 250mg sus/wk for 6 weeks. The first 3 weeks I was also taking 20 mg/day dbol (reforvit) when I noticed nipple tenderness followed a few days later by hard fatty deposits behind my nipples. I discontinued only the dbol thinking it had the stronger side effects and immed. started taking nolva at 20mg/ day. I have continued my injectables as not to waste my gear and ruin my cycle. The condition is not getting worse or better. I need to mention I have stacked deca at these same low doses once/ year for the last 3 years with none of these side effects. How can I remedy these early stages of gyno.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Da Bay
    check the research products. LiqDex fixed me really quickly!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    soooooo....why are you taking more deca than test? Should always be more test....

  4. #4
    weird question, but if you squeeze your nipps (kind of hard) do you have any substance, or pussy looking stuff come out?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Dude, why would you take the time to reply if your not going to be constructive? You know the prob. with putting your pic up is everyone can see how small you are.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canada Ehh...
    try 80mg nolva / day. decrease the dose as symptoms gow down.
    like mentioned above squeeze your nips and look for discharge.
    deca will cause a different type of gyno.progesterone. b-6 and letro should help for that. it is always a good idea to run an anti-e during cycle. and b-6 if useing deca. better to prevent gyno then to try and fix it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I yust dont get it!! why doesnt people run anti-estrogen from the first day if they are using compounds that convert to estrogen? (I do, and I never have to deal with gyno.)

    Letro is the best compund here as it is effective against progestin-gyno too.(since you are using deca.) But it could be to late now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I can i touch your boobie

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by plugthug
    Dude, why would you take the time to reply if your not going to be constructive? You know the prob. with putting your pic up is everyone can see how small you are.

    the question this bro asked is a legit question but the word he used should have been puss not "pussy".. what dive_kid said is good. The B6 I take 300mg a day now and it took away the swelling and the itch.. I used Letro though.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    ninja dojo, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    I yust dont get it!! why doesnt people run anti-estrogen from the first day if they are using compounds that convert to estrogen? (I do, and I never have to deal with gyno.)

    Letro is the best compund here as it is effective against progestin-gyno too.(since you are using deca.) But it could be to late now.
    for my first 3 cycles i never used anything in the lines of anti-e's, just HCG when i came off. this next course i have invested heavily in nolvadex, proviron and clomid, and am hoping all will be well. i have been lucky, didnt get any harsh sides from my gear, but know that it could happen in the future. got naturally puffy nipples anyway, so cant help think im at a higher risk

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by plugthug
    Dude, why would you take the time to reply if your not going to be constructive? You know the prob. with putting your pic up is everyone can see how small you are.
    Ok shit for question was to see if you had progesterone gyno or not. It is one of the symptoms. And if you are going to talk shit, leave my pic out, because I am in decent shape in that one. Now if you want to pull your panties out of your ass, you might want to find out if you have progesterone gyno or not, because that will effect what you should take to stop it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by POSH
    Ok shit for question was to see if you had progesterone gyno or not. It is one of the symptoms. And if you are going to talk shit, leave my pic out, because I am in decent shape in that one. Now if you want to pull your panties out of your ass, you might want to find out if you have progesterone gyno or not, because that will effect what you should take to stop it.

    WERD!!! ^^^^^

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Alright now that a we've all vented. Let me say thanks for the info. I apologize for the shot I took at you POSH if your concern was legit., but it sounded like you were saying my post was stupid. I don't have any discharge from the nips, does discharge mean progesterone buildup from DECA? I am up to 60 mg/day on my NOLVA with no change in condition. I will increase to 80 as advised by ya'll. I will try to get my hands on some letro and take the 300mg b6 as instructed. Does this ever go away or do the symptoms just hide themselves? I have taken 1 small stack every year for 3 years always including DECA and had no problems, and now this shit. I have another stack ready to go of ANDRo, BOLD, and TEST-E, but I'm hesitant to take it now or ever.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by plugthug
    Alright now that a we've all vented. Let me say thanks for the info. I apologize for the shot I took at you POSH if your concern was legit., but it sounded like you were saying my post was stupid. I don't have any discharge from the nips, does discharge mean progesterone buildup from DECA? I am up to 60 mg/day on my NOLVA with no change in condition. I will increase to 80 as advised by ya'll. I will try to get my hands on some letro and take the 300mg b6 as instructed. Does this ever go away or do the symptoms just hide themselves? I have taken 1 small stack every year for 3 years always including DECA and had no problems, and now this shit. I have another stack ready to go of ANDRo, BOLD, and TEST-E, but I'm hesitant to take it now or ever.
    I used the exact same as noted above when I was using Deca and got the same symptoms, I caught it early and it cleared up very very quickly.. I noticed a difference maybe 1-2 weeks and I just kept on the B6 300 mg's a day plus the others so you should be good.

    Let us know


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by plugthug
    Alright now that a we've all vented. Let me say thanks for the info. I apologize for the shot I took at you POSH if your concern was legit., but it sounded like you were saying my post was stupid. I don't have any discharge from the nips, does discharge mean progesterone buildup from DECA? I am up to 60 mg/day on my NOLVA with no change in condition. I will increase to 80 as advised by ya'll. I will try to get my hands on some letro and take the 300mg b6 as instructed. Does this ever go away or do the symptoms just hide themselves? I have taken 1 small stack every year for 3 years always including DECA and had no problems, and now this shit. I have another stack ready to go of ANDRo, BOLD, and TEST-E, but I'm hesitant to take it now or ever.
    Ive gotten the same problem from Dbol tabs and Test prop. The nolva takes about a week for me at 80mg Ed for it to start working. After a week I notice the pain first subsiding then the lumps. It takes a while. AFter syptoms get better run the nolva for 20mg ed for the remainder of the cycle.

  16. #16
    It's cool. Yes, the build up means progesterone build-up from the deca. This doesn't rule out progesterone, since you don't have it, though. I would follow above directions and let us know how it goes. I would definately wait to start your next cycle until your problem is under control.
    Good Luck!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    I can i touch your boobie
    ahhhh DSM you still got it!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by POSH
    Ok shit for question was to see if you had progesterone gyno or not. It is one of the symptoms. And if you are going to talk shit, leave my pic out, because I am in decent shape in that one. Now if you want to pull your panties out of your ass, you might want to find out if you have progesterone gyno or not, because that will effect what you should take to stop it.
    I agree with Posh here Plug.. no flamin ya bro, but you shouldnt react so quickly like this, especially to someone thats trying to help you out...And at least dont insult someone.. totally no I said, no flame, just gettin the point across.... Good luck with your situation, keep us posted!!

  19. #19
    Its cool goalseeker, we already made up.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    [QUOTE=POSH]Its cool goalseeker, we already made up.

    Good.. cuz its posts like that, that take the professionalism outta this great forum...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I didn't see that you had responded to my post so I asked you some more ques. off a similarly related post. Hope you get them. They asked a lot about surgery options and cost. Also if I can't get letro through my usual source can i buy it safely from the link on this site? Oh, squeezed the nips like you said and got slight discharge, f___!!! Does this mean progesterone build- up rather than estrogen? I am totally self conscious now. My fiance says I am constantly rubbing my chest now. This is f-ing up my cycle. I'm sure you've heard this B.S. before, but I know you can relate.

    P.S. The crack on your photo was off the mark. Thought you were ****ing with me. We are actually very similar body type and size. Thanks for the help.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    why didnt you take the nolva right from the start?

  23. #23
    yes, I got your questions on the other thread and responded. I actually got my surgery about 3 months before my wedding and was fine for the honeymoon. Seriously, don't worry about the crack on my photo or anything from before....we are completely good now and I can understand how you thought I was f*cking with you. As far as surgery, like I said in the other post, I got mine done in Mexico and it went very well, but if you have the $, get it done in the US. And yes, the link on this site is safe, to my knowledge. I have never ordered letro from them, but this board would never advertise something that was not legit. Feel free to pm me about whatever, I will help you however I can.

    About the discharge, that is major sign of progesterone gyno. Don't worry too much you will feel SOOOOOOOO much better after surgery and recovery.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by goalseeker
    why didnt you take the nolva right from the start?
    Although this is not my first cycle I would still consider myself pretty green I guess. I've had great gains and put a lot of science to my lifting, but not necessarily to my cycles. lucky had the nolva on hand just in case but it hasn't helped. Unfortunately I need to educate a lot of friends who don't take anti-e's with their cycle either.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    I would never run one without it.. Although my first I didnt, but that was to isolate the test and see how I would react....

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    northern cali
    go for the letro bro, it should definately help.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    go for the letro bro, it should definately help.
    I agree...

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by POSH
    yes, I got your questions on the other thread and responded. I actually got my surgery about 3 months before my wedding and was fine for the honeymoon. Seriously, don't worry about the crack on my photo or anything from before....we are completely good now and I can understand how you thought I was f*cking with you. As far as surgery, like I said in the other post, I got mine done in Mexico and it went very well, but if you have the $, get it done in the US. And yes, the link on this site is safe, to my knowledge. I have never ordered letro from them, but this board would never advertise something that was not legit. Feel free to pm me about whatever, I will help you however I can.

    About the discharge, that is major sign of progesterone gyno. Don't worry too much you will feel SOOOOOOOO much better after surgery and recovery.
    Been unable to PM you. I get a message that says I don't have those priveleges. Anyway we have established that I have gyno. It is not bad. Not visible to the trained eye, although the pea size lumps are there and not going away. Also still slight tenederness. Been taking my nolva at 60 mg/day and b6 300 mg/ day with no change. Still waiting on my letro order. My ques. is how do I prevent this from getting worse post cycle. I'm almost out of nolva. I can live with it (the symp) now but I'm still very self-conscious.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    If you oredered the Letro from this site you should have it pretty soon. You cant PM Posh because you dont have enough posts up to get access to PM. You need at least 30 and you only have 11.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Thanks Kale.
    Got the letro today. Taking 2.5 mg/ day until cond. gets better and then 1 ml/ day after with 300mg b6. Is that right? Can I really hope for some improvement? This sucks. Like many I have been trying to create a better physique by any means necessary. Well I certainly achieved that. I'm turning into a frickin woman. My balls are shrinkin, my tits are growin; what next? Just lop it off and finish the deal, lol.

    trying to be positive. This is really messing with my head.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by plugthug
    Thanks Kale.
    Got the letro today. Taking 2.5 mg/ day until cond. gets better and then 1 ml/ day after with 300mg b6. Is that right? Can I really hope for some improvement? This sucks. Like many I have been trying to create a better physique by any means necessary. Well I certainly achieved that. I'm turning into a frickin woman. My balls are shrinkin, my tits are growin; what next? Just lop it off and finish the deal, lol.

    trying to be positive. This is really messing with my head.
    I can get you a cheap deal in Thailand on that one Relax, you will be fine. Give the letro some time to work. Balls can be fixed with HCG, worst case you need surgery to fix the tits but if you do, you will never have to worry about gyno again

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by plugthug
    Been unable to PM you. I get a message that says I don't have those priveleges. Anyway we have established that I have gyno. It is not bad. Not visible to the trained eye, although the pea size lumps are there and not going away. Also still slight tenederness. Been taking my nolva at 60 mg/day and b6 300 mg/ day with no change. Still waiting on my letro order. My ques. is how do I prevent this from getting worse post cycle. I'm almost out of nolva. I can live with it (the symp) now but I'm still very self-conscious.
    Mine didn't get real bad until I had completely stopped a*s for about a year. And by "real bad" i don't mean growing tits, mainly just the pain aspect. I guess cosmetically it got a little worse, but not that much. I am not sure at what point the "growing tits" part happens, but I can't see that continueing using steroids before operation can help this. I kind of have a different view on using the nolvadex and letro than most on this board, but it is JUST MY opinion. I personally see it as no more than a short term fix, if that at all. I don't know of anything that can truelly "reverse" the gyno, only maybe make the syptoms a little less bareably. If I were you IMO, I would continue the anti-e's post cycle and seriously look into getting surgery. Like I said, this is just my opinion, but the sooner you get those glands cut out the better. I'm not saying other people don't know what they are talking about or haven't been able to help their gyno with that stuff, but I personally don't see it to be a long term fix. Anyway, make some more posts and get your count above 25 and send me an pm. I have more of my operation info if you search the threads I have started, if you care to know. Keep me updated....


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