what would be a good pct for a six week cycle of turnabol at 50mg ed
what would be a good pct for a six week cycle of turnabol at 50mg ed
i would like to know the exact same thing..some people say nolva at 20-40mg a day..others will say that wont work,,and just to use tribules,,anone else do a cycle of turinabol and come off properly,,im looking for that answe to im getting ready to start a 6 week cycle @50mg ed too
tribules + nolva 20mg,is the perfect PCT.
Originally Posted by goose4
good call lol
Really, I'm finishing my six weeker in onw week, and I was goin to hit clomid/nolva. I'm up ten solid pounds at about 7-8% bf. I do not want to lose it. Is nolva sufficient??? I think it is better to do both.
Last edited by tallyjuice; 01-20-2006 at 08:11 AM.
by the way, tbol only is ****en awesome.
Just run clomid, t-bol does not aromatize so you dont really need nolvadex.
True, but nolvadex also works well PCT..in bringing back natty test levels
I call B.S. on the non-aromatization. My nipples are on fire as we speak. Give me a week on this nolva and I'll be fine though. gotta love it
what is so awsome about it?Originally Posted by tallyjuice
Originally Posted by tallyjuice
Are you sure your taking t-bol not d-bol? Very similiar in appearence.
This would only be the second case I've ever read of with puffy nips/irratated nips. When did you start noticing it? Maybe I should start taking my nolvadex before PCT since I am prone to natural gyno..
just to be safe would clomid nolva and red kat be a good combo
If you have not gone extremely passed your enetic limit, short tbol only cycles are fantastic for keeping gains and not shutting you down badly. IMO, it is superior to anavar and primo. GREAT stater cycle.Originally Posted by Juicy Sauce
Positive! OT is a similar compund period(not only in appearance, but in chemical composition). Nontheless, it has obviously aromatized, causing these gyno symptoms. However, it has hardly shut me down. I am much more concerned with the latter. Tbol for president!Originally Posted by Hellmask
Started feeling it at week 3. I am also very prone to gyno (progesterone related as well). Look, why not just follow a short version of Pheedno's pct protocol. If you can afford it, better safe than sorry. It will not hinder your gains in any way. Nolva, clomid is a great combo.Originally Posted by Jayhawk21
Originally Posted by tallyjuice
Tbol shouldn't aromatize. Making gyno nearly impossible.
If your getting gyno , It's probly dbol you have, or it's all in your head.
You will not get gyno from Tbol!!! No need for Clomid,basically because it takes much more to do the same thing.In camparison,it would require 150mgs of clomid to accomplish that type of elevation in testosterone,but Nolvadex also has the added benefit of significantly increasing the LH.Nolvadex is better than clomid,would be real stupid to use both here.
I suggest Nolva with a low dose of HCG.
Quit rubbing them.Originally Posted by tallyjuice
That slight modification from dbol to tbol makes it impossible for tbol to aromatize. I dont care what you think, you're wrong. It was NOT tbol that caused itOriginally Posted by tallyjuice
I would love to learn more about this tbol because if its real solid muscle gain thats very keepable even after stopping, then im all ears for more info!!
I love the effects of d-bol, the gains, the feel and i get not a spec of sides....BUT its water retention and when stopping it, you loose more then i wanna loose!
SO, Tbol with a stack of some test prop for less water retention sound good to you guys?? What doses for the tbol is good?? (i have 4 cycles under my belt so im no begginer!)!!
At 4 cycles, I'd still clasify you as a beginner.Originally Posted by FREAKZILLLA
A good starting dose it 50mg/ED, adjust the dose accordingly, comparing gains/sides.
Tbol's structure is such, that it cannot interact with the aromotase enzyme.
The only thing it could be is that there could be an inbalance of testosterone/estrogen causing a slight case of gyno.
Definately, don't want to find out after that the PCT didn't work. Clomid and Nolva are great, and not expensive. Why risk it?Originally Posted by tallyjuice
I had done my first cycle without proper PCT, and it totally messed me up. Never again. I'd rather go over kill on PCT than risk not doing enough.
The amount of estrogen i nthe body should decrease accordingly with the amount of testosteroneOriginally Posted by Swifto
does tbol shut the balls down bad
Originally Posted by devildog911
No.Not like fina and test.
I took it 3 weeks before starting test prop so that I could experience it w/o test. I had no shutdown.Originally Posted by devildog911
what is a typical short tbol cycle does anyone have a sample program to follor or anything?
I can only tell you what I have done:Originally Posted by pelly789
6 weeks
50mg ED weeks 1-3
70 mg ED weeks 4-6
what about a pct you didnt take one? thanks for the feed back
I am not done with cycle yet.............taking test prop for a few more weeks. Then full pct, I always do a full pct.Originally Posted by pelly789
oh alright...i was a little confused on that sorry if u dont mind me asking what will you be taking for a pct after your cycles done
I use clomid and nolva according to Pheednos pct program, as well as HCG, IGFLR3, clen, and tongkat. My nuts actually came back bigger than precycle last time, now if it would just effect my member that way.........Originally Posted by pelly789
Did you learn anything else from that experience? Like how quickly the gains came or not...Originally Posted by Logan13
I love tbol. Anavar alone never made me feel so thick, it was really a good experience. No shutdown, no bloat, no gyno although I used nolva ED as always. I actually made it passed the 190lbs. mark for the first time as well.Originally Posted by NewKid
Originally Posted by Logan13
Any sides at 70mgs,I got some Headaches at theat dose.
haha im still new to all this so im not really used to the wording and what all this stuff does but ill research it and figure it out (i hope) anyway thanks for the post and helping a bro out i have more questions but none youll probaly answer but if u wanna know just pm me later man
Originally Posted by goose4
Goose ,
What do you think the best dosages would be for a Tbol/anavar stack?
I was thinking 30mg anavar, 50mg tbol....But now I want the anavar to be the base of the stack , and just to use the tbol to keep me at my current weight while cutting.
So something like 50mgs anavar, 30mgs tbol, what you think?
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