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Hey guys I need some cycle advice... I am 6 ft 230, bf % 13. I am 24 and have done two bulking cycles in the past two years.. It has been a year since I have been on gear. My first cycle was test E for ten weeks with pct. Second was prop and winny with pct. I have put on about 25 pounds of muscle in the past 8 months naturally and want to shred up for spring break but I dont want to lose too much size. I have tried diet and cardio alone and I seem to be loosing strength and size. I dont really want to do a test again because Im not trying to get bigger. I was thinking winny/ eq cycle with some nolva and clen/clomid for pct. However I do not know the lengths or specifics of the cycle. If you could please help me create a cycle that will give me what I am looking for I would appreciate it. Any new suggestions on new or different gear would be great too!!!