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Thread: Cutting cycle help!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Question Cutting cycle help!!!

    Hey guys I need some cycle advice... I am 6 ft 230, bf % 13. I am 24 and have done two bulking cycles in the past two years.. It has been a year since I have been on gear. My first cycle was test E for ten weeks with pct. Second was prop and winny with pct. I have put on about 25 pounds of muscle in the past 8 months naturally and want to shred up for spring break but I dont want to lose too much size. I have tried diet and cardio alone and I seem to be loosing strength and size. I dont really want to do a test again because Im not trying to get bigger. I was thinking winny/ eq cycle with some nolva and clen/clomid for pct. However I do not know the lengths or specifics of the cycle. If you could please help me create a cycle that will give me what I am looking for I would appreciate it. Any new suggestions on new or different gear would be great too!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    guess no one wants to help me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    balz deep in jessica alba
    Quote Originally Posted by popo50
    Hey guys I need some cycle advice... I am 6 ft 230, bf % 13. I am 24 and have done two bulking cycles in the past two years.. It has been a year since I have been on gear. My first cycle was test E for ten weeks with pct. Second was prop and winny with pct. I have put on about 25 pounds of muscle in the past 8 months naturally and want to shred up for spring break but I dont want to lose too much size. I have tried diet and cardio alone and I seem to be loosing strength and size. I dont really want to do a test again because Im not trying to get bigger. I was thinking winny/ eq cycle with some nolva and clen/clomid for pct. However I do not know the lengths or specifics of the cycle. If you could please help me create a cycle that will give me what I am looking for I would appreciate it. Any new suggestions on new or different gear would be great too!!!

    diet and cardio are the key to cutting. gear can help. eq and var will give you more vascularity and need some test in the cycle, if you want to use your peach spreader.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    can u give me a specific cycle suggestion with time of use, amount, the whole deal?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    First off, great job on your achievements so far naturally. Another great job running a test only cycle your first time around, now for your future.

    You said that you dont want to run test b/c you dont want to get bigger. OK thats fine, you can run test without getting any bigger. Getting "bigger" will be based on what else you do to get to that size. Tons of people run test in cutters and they're actually losing weight. Here's what i would do based on your experience and goal................

    Since you've done test and winny lets combine them and add something else:

    Weeks 1-12--------->Test E 500mgs
    Weeks 1-11--------->EQ 400mgs
    Weeks 1-4---------->Var 40mgs ED
    Weeks 9-14--------->Winny 50mgs ED

    This is a very cheap (except for the Var) and effective cycle. I'm not that big of a fan of EQ but dont want to throw some Primo in there b/c the price is expensive. I'm trying to make this as feasible as possible for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    thanks alot man-- u think the test E would be better for cutting than prop would?

    Also, im going on a cruise for spring break which is march 12.., that leaves me about 7 weeks before i board the boat... now the problem i have is that I wont be able to do the gear for the week that im on the boat unless you know a way that i can get it past security??? lol i mean i can do my test shot the day that i leave but the other stuff is another question...

    got any ideas?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Alabama State Prison
    nah heres what im thinkin

    weeks 1-6 250 mg parabolan per week
    weeks 1-6 50 mg oxandrolone ED
    weels 1-8 50 mg test prop every other day

    running and diet and booyah

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by popo50
    thanks alot man-- u think the test E would be better for cutting than prop would?
    Take some time to read this, then you'll decide for yourself and feel good about it:

    Quote Originally Posted by Im C murda
    nah heres what im thinkin

    weeks 1-6 250 mg parabolan per week
    weeks 1-6 50 mg oxandrolone ED
    weels 1-8 50 mg test prop every other day

    Parabolan when this is only his 3rd cycle is not a good idea. He has only ran test once and has minimal experience. I definitely would not run the Para

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    anyone else have any suggestions to tweak the cycle at all?

    thanks again jay

    also, should i take the anavar later in the cycle as opposed to 1-4?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by popo50
    should i take the anavar later in the cycle as opposed to 1-4?

    This will be based both on preferance and goal. The reason I placed it at the end is b/c you'll be running to compounds that take along time to kick in. By introducing the Var at the beginning you can start to see results within a week or 2. Pkus if you run the Winny you dont want to run both of them at the same time due to the pressure it will put on your liver. Take the Var at the beginnng, rest 5 weeks then finish with the Winny and as C murda said, BOOYAH!!!!

  11. #11
    IamUnwritten Guest
    okay, i was reading this and now i have a quick question if you don't mind. =) i'm a female and i'm going to start my first cycle soon. originally the cycle plan was to take deca/proviron/nolva for the first 3 weeks then add winny to the 4th week. after that just deca/winny/nolva. and for the last 2 weeks clen/deca...

    okay, so i know that was kind of long and hopefully not confusing but someone suggested me to take anavar instead of deca and now i'm seeing that you should introduce winny towards the end and clen in the beginning....

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by IamUnwritten
    okay, i was reading this and now i have a quick question if you don't mind. =) i'm a female and i'm going to start my first cycle soon. originally the cycle plan was to take deca/proviron/nolva for the first 3 weeks then add winny to the 4th week. after that just deca/winny/nolva. and for the last 2 weeks clen/deca...

    okay, so i know that was kind of long and hopefully not confusing but someone suggested me to take anavar instead of deca and now i'm seeing that you should introduce winny towards the end and clen in the beginning....

    Welcome to AR!!! There are tons of people that would love to answer your question(s). Just start a thread of your own titling roughly what you're looking for. That way you can get the proper attention needed.................

    Once again welcome...........

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