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  1. #1
    rebel is offline New Member
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    Primo Winny combo

    is this a good combo for a first time? I dont want to gain weight just get stronger and faster. How would I use this combo properly?

  2. #2
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Primo and winstrol stacks very nice. (Primo binds strongly to the AR, while winstrol is effective at the non-AR mechanisms of muscle grow.)
    Primo-600- 1gram 1-12
    winny-50 mgs ed 1-8/10

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Primo and winstrol stacks very nice. (Primo binds strongly to the AR, while winstrol is effective at the non-AR mechanisms of muscle grow.)
    Primo-600- 1gram 1-12
    winny-50 mgs ed 1-8/10
    agree -they work great together

  4. #4
    chinups Guest
    to me. sickest stack for lean mass and strength

    if you add in test you will be very very happy though. Like 2-300 mg of test if you don't want to use alot and see tons of sides

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Excellent combo indeed.
    Good but slow lean muscle gains. (diet must be 110% in check)
    I would take a tab a day of proviron with it though to get the higher androgen factor in and avoid the test!.

  6. #6
    SPIKE's Avatar
    SPIKE is offline AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    I agree with everyone that this is a sick stack. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut this is for a first timer. I have never recommended anything other then a test only cycle for a first timer. His goal can still be achieved with running test only.

    Rebel, I'm curious to know, how old are you?

  7. #7
    chinups Guest
    I would disagree with test on first cycle. Well at least I didn;t do test ony my first I did winny/dbol . Of course it was a very like cycle and it was for max 8 wks and I saw tremendous gains and got use to the cycling theory and how to and how don't. Its better to do something like with light sides. I saw more sides on test then anything. JMO

  8. #8
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    I would disagree with test on first cycle. Well at least I didn;t do test ony my first I did winny/dbol. Of course it was a very like cycle and it was for max 8 wks and I saw tremendous gains and got use to the cycling theory and how to and how don't. Its better to do something like with light sides. I saw more sides on test then anything. JMO

    So you think that winny and D-bol were a better choice then lets say 500mgs of Test E for 12 weeks followed by proper PCT for a first time cycle?

    Light sides? I cold imagine that the sides would be far worse from running 2 17aa's side by side for 8 weeks rather then test for 12.

  9. #9
    chinups Guest
    Well this could be debated. What is the difference between 100mg winny ed or 50 of dbol and 50 winny??? and it was much lighter then that. I also had liver test done after and showed no ill effects.

    Anyways for a first timer you could do winny eod at 50mg and dbol everyday at 30mg and see great results. Of course proper PCT is done with every cycle thats just a given

  10. #10
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    Anyways for a first timer you could do winny eod at 50mg and dbol everyday at 30mg and see great results.

    Still disagree with two 17aa on a first time cycle. The only people that run D-bol only on a first time cycle are those that arent educated yet. That of course takes time. People come to boards such as these to get correct info. Running D-bol on a first time cycle makes no sense whatsoever.

    Quote Originally Posted by chinups
    Well this could be debated. What is the difference between 100mg winny ed or 50 of dbol and 50 winny??? and it was much lighter then that. I also had liver test done after and showed no ill effects.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm D-bol, which is typically used for size and strength in a bulker. Winny that is normaly used in a cutter or at the end of a bulker. I wouldnt see a reason to run them side by side. The only reason I could see someone running them side by side are those that want to get "big and cut" in one cycle. Those are generally the people that dont realize that Winny wont burn fat or get you cut. Diet and proper training will do that, the D-bol will mainly add some strength and scale weight.......

    I totally agree with you on the fact that your liver wasnt effected while on it. If one is succeptable to liver values being effected it will happend with almost anything they run. I know people (including myself) that have ran some very major cycles while even on Accutane. By the end of the day the liver was fine...

  11. #11
    Booz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    Still disagree with two 17aa on a first time cycle. The only people that run D-bol only on a first time cycle are those that arent educated yet. That of course takes time. People come to boards such as these to get correct info. Running D-bol on a first time cycle makes no sense whatsoever.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm D-bol, which is typically used for size and strength in a bulker. Winny that is normaly used in a cutter or at the end of a bulker. I wouldnt see a reason to run them side by side. The only reason I could see someone running them side by side are those that want to get "big and cut" in one cycle. Those are generally the people that dont realize that Winny wont burn fat or get you cut. Diet and proper training will do that, the D-bol will mainly add some strength and scale weight.......

    I totally agree with you on the fact that your liver wasnt effected while on it. If one is succeptable to liver values being effected it will happend with almost anything they run. I know people (including myself) that have ran some very major cycles while even on Accutane. By the end of the day the liver was fine...
    strongly agree with jay on this!

  12. #12
    Jimmya73's Avatar
    Jimmya73 is offline Senior Member
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    i am going to agree with jayhova too, where is the sense in running a steroid that causes high amounts of water retention along with one which is typically used during cutting cycles?

  13. #13
    chinups Guest
    Run 2 17aa or running one 17aa at the same dosage, whats the difference???? Nooone has the answer for that. I ran a 17aa at 55 mg a day. How is that not ok??? Just because there both 17aa??? I mean if a guy runs winny at 50 mg noone considers that ultra toxic even if a guy runs 100mg a day winny noone even flinches. At 30 mg a day of dbol and 50mg of eod of winny is no more toxic then what I listed above. I am not arguing on this just theoreticly makes not sense.

    Now don't get me wrong test is by far the best steroid for results and cost. I agree but to say that a light cycle on a lower steroid is not worth it or not good is 100%.

    I did the cycle I have explained and got in the best shape of my life better then 12 wks test 12 wks var with strict diet and cardio. I retained all my muscle and weight I gained. I have gained alot of water with the test and seemed too bloated.

    Now every person is different and I realize this but I can assure you the cycle I took was well worth and made sense for me. Again not the greatest cycle amongst heavy steroid users but good for me. You may call me uneducated but I would call my JACKED UP!!! Thats me after dbol/winny cycle with a 6 pack in my avatar.

  14. #14
    chinups Guest
    letro fought the bloat
    dbol got me strength with no bloat...I really think dbol ripped me up too
    winny got me shredded and strong

    I mean maybe I shouldn't promote things like this because it was beneficial to me and maybe not to others but it is what it is. This is my exp

    and I never said he should do what I did I just said he doesn't have to take test to get results IMO

  15. #15
    Jimmya73's Avatar
    Jimmya73 is offline Senior Member
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    the main reason we try to keep people(at least those who are newbs) from using two 17aa's iun one cycle is to keep them from hurting themselves. with no education the more is better attitude can get you screwed up . more importantly, at least to me, is the spreading of the idiotic ideas that alot of people have, which leads to people who want to use them responsibly being cast in a bad light. for the most part i could care less what some idiot does to himself, its when he ruins it for the rest of us i get mad. so call this preventitive maintenance.
    with that said, you have a logical perspective, and you are simply offering different opinions. you clearly have experience and a brain, so dont take that as a flame directed at you

  16. #16
    chinups Guest
    No doubt!! I hear ya.

    Just adding some opinions here.

  17. #17
    rebel is offline New Member
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    this is good info thanks...I am 6'4'' 310 25 years old. I dont want to put on any bulk just get stronger and faster. Primo Winny from what I have read is a good choice.

  18. #18
    chinups Guest
    anavar is a good steroid for nice lean gains with low sides

    good luck

  19. #19
    Jimmya73's Avatar
    Jimmya73 is offline Senior Member
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    310 pounds!!! jeez, whats your bf%?

  20. #20
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    I agree with everyone that this is a sick stack. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut this is for a first timer. I have never recommended anything other then a test only cycle for a first timer. His goal can still be achieved with running test only.

    Rebel, I'm curious to know, how old are you?
    If I was 6/4, 310 pounds like this guy, I think it would be better to do a primo/winstrol stack. That would result in lean/pure muscle, with basically no sides. Test e. would probaly bloate him up to a gorilla!!

    Come on bro, dont be such a test-parrot!!

  21. #21
    rebel is offline New Member
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    I was 21%bf last Jan.. but I am up about 17lbs I would guess 25ish
    Last edited by rebel; 01-20-2006 at 03:31 PM.

  22. #22
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    If I was 6/4, 310 pounds like this guy, I think it would be better to do a primo/winstrol stack.
    If I was 6'4 310 at 25% I'd be more concerned about shedding some BF with proper diet and training. Forget winny and Primo and check out the diet forum. I"m never one to deter someone from cycling unless I feel its not needed. In this case get down to at least the teens in BF and then worry about a cycle. As long as everything is under control you should be able to get down to 270 in the teens. Then we can turn towards AAS for further assistance.

    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Come on bro, dont be such a test-parrot!!
    Yea you know me and my Test Vitor

  23. #23
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Isn't Primo an Acetate, so it's not modified to be a 17aa?

  24. #24
    rebel is offline New Member
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    I dont want to loose any lbs. my diet is good for what I am trying to do. I eat every two hours with 3 different sources of protein a day. I eat zero fatty carbo's and zero sweets. staying 300+ isnt easy with that combo. I play on the o-line lb's are needed.

  25. #25
    rebel is offline New Member
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    i added a pic me at 286 clean...

  26. #26
    PaulieM.'s Avatar
    PaulieM. is offline Banned
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    i think this will be a primo at 100mg eod and winstrol at 50mg eod will be perfect. i'm not sure what primobolan half life is.

  27. #27
    SPIKE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rebel
    I eat zero fatty carbo's
    What's a fatty carb?

    Nevermind, we'll save this for Giantz in the diet forum.

    Hey Rebel, did you check out the diet forum? Tons of info in there brotha. Really take the time to educate yourself if not already. I have worked with several people your weight and its sometimes difficult but a piece of cake once you're determined and know what you're doing. You're in the right place buddy..........

  28. #28
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
    QuieTSToRM33 is offline Anabolic Member
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    for all u guys that are telling him to do winny at 50 eod ..... winny should be taken/shot ED ..... not eod ..... and common dosage is 50mg ED

    now back to the topic .... y not Prop ??? ..... no bloat and great strength gains

  29. #29
    chinups Guest
    I took winny zambons are 50 mg eod had fantastic results. Some people react better to some steroids . In my case winstrol loved my muscles and seemed to find them immediatley.

    However I got addicted to the winny shots and at week 4 of them I started to shoot them every day

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