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Thread: blood in syringe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    blood in syringe

    hey guys a few min ago i went to take a shot in my left theigh and when i drew back blood came into the syringe. I know your supposed to take it out and not shoot it which i did. Just curious what exactly does it mean when this happens? and are you supposed to get the blood out of the syringe before you shoot it somewhere else? My damn theigh is already sore feeling from the spot where the blood came out. Right when i did it i could feel my body temp go up it seemed like. This is my 5th cycle and the first time this has ever happened. thanks bro's

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by nate3422
    hey guys a few min ago i went to take a shot in my left theigh and when i drew back blood came into the syringe. I know your supposed to take it out and not shoot it which i did. Just curious what exactly does it mean when this happens? and are you supposed to get the blood out of the syringe before you shoot it somewhere else? My damn theigh is already sore feeling from the spot where the blood came out. Right when i did it i could feel my body temp go up it seemed like. This is my 5th cycle and the first time this has ever happened. thanks bro's
    Just means you were in a vein.

    I get as much of the blood out of the syringe. Then I change the pin and try again.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Prob went through a vein or hit a nerve.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Your girlfriend knows
    It means you could be in a vein. Never inject if when you aspirate blood appears....NOT GOOD! Change the pin so its sharp and you'll be fine. A little blood in the syringe won't bother anything.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    ya... no probs bro... these guys are ALL right....just follow what they say and try again..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    A hut in Atlanta Georgia
    Aspirating is important because u don't want to inject gear into ure veins. Typical side effects of injecting into ure veins would be caughing, light headed, tasting gear in ure mouth etc. When u chose a spot to inject, poke then pull the plunger back a lil bit. What you want to see is an air bubble which means the spot you chose is not where a vein runs but just plain solid muscle or empty space free from veins. If u see a small bubble run up then u can start to inject the gear. However if u happen to draw blood when u pull the plunger back then you have to withdraw the needle change it and inject a different spot, as you were hitting a vein the last time. Remember to aspirate again though.

    Some may ask about the air bubble running up the syringe, saying that isn't it necessary to get rid of all air bubble before injecting? Thats true you have to clear off the air bubbles before you inject ureself. In the case of aspiration the air bubble is caused because the spot u injected is more like a vacum filled spot. Hence it is safe to inject the gear down once u see the air bubble come up the syringe. Good Luck.

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