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Thread: ~~~~Free compounds exposeD~~~~

  1. #1

    Cool ~~~~compounds exposeD~~~~

    This is only my second post so I am not crystal on all the rules. I hope I'm not crossing the line. [No THAT's NOT OKAY - Warrior] I would like an honest, accurate description for my 3rd and final cycle.

    ~~~~~~~~~Hope to post tonight!!!~~~~~~~~~~~

    If I can't post it can someone help me out anyway?

    Ht.- 6'5" Ectomorf
    Wt.- 230lbs.
    B.Fat - 15-20%

    Gear - 30cc's Test-C 22cc's Decca
    Last edited by Warrior; 01-21-2006 at 03:47 AM. Reason: Cause I don't like the verbage - sounds like sourcing/sales pitch... read the rules!

  2. #2
    Cant do that least you were wary about it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    da dirty south
    what is your previous cycle exp.?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    This isnt permitted here. This will answer any questions you have regarding the subject:

  5. #5

    Previous cycles

    Quote Originally Posted by Lil man 10
    what is your previous cycle exp.?
    My first was Test E 500 a week for 6 weeks.
    My second was Test E 500 a week and Deca 4oo a week.
    This one I have 30 cc's Test C and 20cc's Deca
    I really want to know the measurments of dosage for my body. Thanks for the help.

  6. #6
    I would suggest running cycles for at least 10 to 12 weeks. Most of the time your gear isn't REALLY hitting you hard until about week 4 (with the gear you mentioned).
    A few questions for you....
    1. What do you know about post cycle therapy (pct)?
    2. Have you read the "Steroid Profiles" of the drugs you are using on the main page?
    3. Have you browsed through the educational threads yet?
    4. What do you know about the anti-estrogens that corrospond with the gear you have?

    I am not insinuating (sp?) that you don't know what you are doing, but I would let your test and deca stay in the bottle for a few more weeks until you have all your anti-estrogens and post-cycle gear in your possession. I would suggest reading the above articles and searching a little more before you make your decision. I have been on this board for 4 years and I STILL don't know 75% of the info I could and I do HOURS of research before I begin a new cycle. I STILL RE-READ the profiles of everything and get updated info. I would also recommend looking up letro and clomid as well and learning about those products. Good Luck an look forward to hearing back what you learn or already know. Like I said before, you could already know what I am talking about, but I just wanted to make sure.


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