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Thread: Cycle Plan

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On the end of a Needle

    Cycle Plan

    age 36
    210 lb, 6'0 ,8% bf, 3 yrs juicing

    wk 1-10 200 mgs test prop ed
    wk 1-8 100 mgs tren ace ed
    wk 1-5 50 mgs dbol ed
    wk 5-10 50 mgs winnie oral ed
    wk 1-10 .25 arimidex ed
    wk 11-13 100 mgs clomid
    wk 11-13 20 mgs nolva

    thinking about adding in masteron at 400 mgs a week.

    How does this look ? any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by SubmissionGrappler
    wk 1-10 200 mgs test prop ed
    wk 1-8 100 mgs tren ace ed
    wk 1-5 50 mgs dbol ed
    wk 5-10 50 mgs winnie oral ed
    wk 1-10 .25 arimidex ed
    wk 11-13 100 mgs clomid
    wk 11-13 20 mgs nolva

    thinking about adding in masteron at 400 mgs a week.

    Bastard!! Someone with the same stats as me!!! OK lets see whats going on over here.......

    Cycle looks good and you stated that you've been cycling for 3 years so I"m sure you have enough previous cycles under your belt. Have you ever ran doses of Prop at 200mg ED? If so what kind did you use and how was the pain associated with it.

    Secondly, the only thing I dont really like is that D-bol in there for 5 weeks followed by another 17aa for 5 weeks. I'd cut the D-bol out completely and move the Winny to the front of the cycle. Reason being Winny has a low binding affinity to the AR and therefore will act in your body in different ways than the Tren. Also, winny is a DHT-based drug and Tren is a 19-nor. That coupled with the prop and you’ll have a cutting cycle with all different AR-binding working synergistically together.

    As long as diet is in tact I dont see a need for the Masteron. If you persist on using it we can put it at the end right after the winny. I dont know how prone you are to hairloss or even if you care. SO be ready........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On the end of a Needle
    Thanks bro..

    yes Ive been cycling time on time off for three yrs straight with my longest cycle at 15 wks.The prop Ive run at 150 mgs a day before and gotten solid results,I was thinking of bumping up to 200 just to see what happens.I kept hearing about "magic" starting past 1 gram so I figured I'd give it a try.The pain has become kinda nice since this is my 4th cycle with prop,it lets me know its working...ass can take it but thighs get wobbly for couple hrs after the shot unless I workout directly after.Good times.

    The dbol was an afterthought after reading more on tren and finding out it works wonders for mass with a little estrogen flowing in there ,the dbol will aromitize and give me that i was thinking.Ive been going back n forth on bulking and cutting and whats more important to me I want to gain a few more pounds but its gotta be lean or I just feel miserable unless I'm vascular and ripped.

    The masteron I have for my summer cutter so I'll take your advice on leaving that out my summer cutter looks like this:
    1-15 prop 200 ed
    1-10 tren 100 ed
    1-5 tbol 50 ed
    10-15 winnie 50ed
    1-15 mast 100 eod
    1-15 arim .25 ed
    16-18 clomid 100 ed
    16-18 nolva 20 ed

    I know about the 17aa thing but from my experience it is kinda blown out of proportion.I know penty of bros that take a bombs,dbol ,winne in ungodly amounts and still have good bloodwork. I may consider changing to inj winnie but Ive never done that version and have heard its more expensive with the same results .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by SubmissionGrappler
    I know about the 17aa thing but from my experience it is kinda blown out of proportion.I know penty of bros that take a bombs,dbol ,winne in ungodly amounts and still have good bloodwork.
    I know what you're saying. It's one thing to see it on paper then another to actually go through it and experience it for yourself. I for one take every precaution out there b/c I truly value my health. Does that mean I wont run two 17aa's simultaneously? No!! That means if I ever do (haven't yet) I'll get bloodwork to make sure everything is in proper working order. I just feel as if there are too many options out there to maximize results without putting health is harms way.

    Plenty of people on this board Grappler that won't hesitiate to write "dont run two 17aa's at the same time." When they dont even know what the hell is going on. Board education and actually researched/personal use are completely different. Stick around, you'll get to know who's who.....

    You seem to know what you're doing and this cycle looks good. Running a DHT-deriv for 14 weeks would make me look like Mr. Clean. If that isnt a concern to you buddy then do it and keep us all updated.

    Arimidex is a powerful AI, I dont really see much of a need for it b/c I dont see any compounds that are going effect you with the need of an AI. If you decide to run it do it as you stated. Stop it at week 15 then run the Nolva. You dont want to run them together as nolva has been proven to decrease the effectiveness of it..............

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Reason being Winny has a low binding affinity to the AR and therefore will act in your body in different ways than the Tren. Also, winny is a DHT-based drug and Tren is a 19-nor. That coupled with the prop and you’ll have a cutting cycle with all different AR-binding working synergistically together.

    Wow, I never knew that..Good stuff brotha...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On the end of a Needle
    Def gonna drop the arim ...probobly could use a little estro in the temple.
    thanks J

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by SubmissionGrappler
    Def gonna drop the arim ...probobly could use a little estro in the temple.
    thanks J

    Yea good thinking. The entire "blocking all estrogen" is completely overrated. It too is a needed hormone for gains. As long as you watch for certain sides and comlpications you'll be fine.

    Keep us all updated. I'll race you to 200 5%

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    S.Florida by way of NY
    Quote Originally Posted by SubmissionGrappler
    age 36
    210 lb, 6'0 ,8% bf, 3 yrs juicing

    wk 1-10 200 mgs test prop ed
    wk 1-8 100 mgs tren ace ed
    wk 1-5 50 mgs dbol ed
    wk 5-10 50 mgs winnie oral ed
    wk 1-10 .25 arimidex ed
    wk 11-13 100 mgs clomid
    wk 11-13 20 mgs nolva

    thinking about adding in masteron at 400 mgs a week.

    How does this look ? any suggestions?
    i would drop the dbol and just go witht the prop/tren/winnie

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On the end of a Needle
    i guess i was falling into the more is better trap. I'll revise to :

    wk 1-10 200 mgs test prop ed
    wk 1-8 100 mgs tren ace ed
    wk 2-10 50 mgs winnie oral ed
    wk 11-13 100 mgs clomid
    wk 11-13 20 mgs nolva

    as last ditch attempt to add another compound I'm considering adding Proviron..
    Good or Bad idea?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    On the end of a Needle
    I'm in wk 3 now I dropped the winnie and replaced it with 75 mgs of masteron ed and my joints feel a shitload better,I seem to have a love/hate with winnie but now I just plain love masteron.
    results so far +8 lbs body fat down to 7 % and lookin like striated roadmap across my shoulders and chest,not to mention the constant boners and lust for poontang like I'm 14 yrs old again.
    This is so far the best cycle i have ever done and will become my go to cycle for years to come.
    I may try to throw in injectable oil winny in a few weeks at 50 mgs eod,I'll never go back to 50mgs ed again,Its just too much grunting going on when i try to stand up after a while of sitting.

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