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Thread: Need some advise

  1. #1

    Need some advise

    I did a cycle of sus lat year I did 750mg per week now I am going to do a cycle of andropen how much do you suggest/ I weight 205 I am six 3 30 years old been workin out 6years.

  2. #2
    probably 3-4 ml each week. if 750 was enough with the sustanon, then you could just stick with 3, but i wouldn't expect the same growth you probably got from the first time you ran it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    NO need to up the dose. Andropen is dosed at 275mg/mL so 3cc's would be more then enough. I would suggest running another compound alongside it. I"m not going to suggest one b/c I"m unaware of your goal(s).

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova16
    NO need to up the dose. Andropen is dosed at 275mg/mL so 3cc's would be more then enough. I would suggest running another compound alongside it. I"m not going to suggest one b/c I"m unaware of your goal(s).
    I thought of that to I want to get more size I don't care to much about getting ripped ill cut up in the spring but I am scared of the oral because I have a history of drinking don't get me wrong I'm not drunk but I did my share of drinking in the past.

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