Is Tren depot a bad idea for first cycle, Im in my mid 40s' Ive read some reviews that say novice or experienced,and others that say not good idea. considering equipoise 400 wk for 10-12wks need some help..thanks.
Is Tren depot a bad idea for first cycle, Im in my mid 40s' Ive read some reviews that say novice or experienced,and others that say not good idea. considering equipoise 400 wk for 10-12wks need some help..thanks.
yes, tren is more of an advanced chemical, a good first cycle is a single test. based cycle. like 500mg, of test-e. for 12 weeks.
thanks what are your thoughts on equipose?
For my first cycle i ran test enantate 500mg a week(750mg after 6weeks) and EQ 300mg per week and it worked wonders i gained 35 pounds after 3 monthes and ended up gaining 45 after my cycle was all over which ran for 6 monthes. I have been off for almost 5 monthes now and i have kept 30 pounds. and thats without taking pct which i should have.
So i need a pct after the 10-12 weeks of test e. ? 500mg per wk.? if so how much what and when plz . thanks
Yes u definitly need to run pct to keep as much gains as u can. also u should run EQ it works well with test plus if u run only test u will lose a majority of your weight because EQ is better for keeping gains. on the mian menu of this site click on steriod effectiveness chart on the right hand sidebar u will see what i mean. For pct i use nlovadex 2 tabs a day for the first week then 1 tab for the following 2 weeks. p.s pct should be run 2 weeks after last injection
and ya for the first time i guess since you havent alot of knowlege about sterioid run the whole cycle at 500mg to make it less confusing.. i up to 750mgs after 6 weeks because it.. i guees u could say dulls your receptors a bit so the increase will keep u maintaining weight gain you have been maintaining instead of sort of pleatuing.. i understand the sh!t but its hard for me to put it to words.. but i think u get my drift.. theres no specific mgs to take but it depends on how sever u want ur sides to be and also things like weight, height, and compatibility with steriod.. i cant use deca it gives me sever impotency even tho gain are great not worth it for me thats y i use EQ insead (eq is almost the same as deca i belive its a lil milder with less sides)
Last edited by new_to_this; 01-23-2006 at 03:10 AM.
Got it , thanks
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