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  1. #1
    shifter is offline New Member
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    First cycle at 40

    First of all i would like to say thank you for taking your time to read my post

    At the age of 40 would like to run my first cycle at the moment. I am 5 ft 10in and I am now down to 15 and a half stone, I work in the building game and have played Rugby since I was 16, I have also been in the gym on and off over the years but over the last year and a half I have been 3 nights a week and played Rugby on Saturday's. This will be my last season playing as I feel I am getting too old I now enjoy the gym more. I have also been keeping a eye on my food in take; jacket spud, tuna, oatmeal, cottage cheese, chicken, brown rice, liver, hard boiled eggs. Drink in take I have been having Whey Protine before work out at the gym and after with a meal and water which amounts to about 2 litres a day, which is bloody hard with the cold weather and working out side.

    My first question is Test E at 500mg and Deca at 200mg 12 weeks with Dibol at 35 mg for the first 4 weeks per day will be ok I have novla & clomid for pct

    My second question is; what right amount I put in my syringe Test E, is at 250mg in 10ml vial Deca at 100mg 2ml vial? My syringe starts at 0.5 up to 3ml.

    Thanks again for your time, your help is much appreciated.


  2. #2
    eGGz's Avatar
    eGGz is offline Anabolic Member
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    The point of no return.
    1-4 Dbol @ 35mg ED
    1-12 Test E @ 500mg EW

    No need for Deca .

    Inject 1cc Test E every 3.5 days.

  3. #3
    scotttiger54's Avatar
    scotttiger54 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz
    1-4 Dbol @ 35mg ED
    1-12 Test E @ 500mg EW

    No need for Deca .

    Inject 1cc Test E every 3.5 days.
    not a believer in overdoing first cycles, but 300mg of deca would do him good. at 40 years old and having played hardcore rugby for years i feel it would be nice for the ole' joints. well...ok, 200mg of deca. this is just enough to help the joints a bit

  4. #4
    Triposinator's Avatar
    Triposinator is offline Associate Member
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    Bud I'm 10 years your senior, and just finished my 1st cycle and PCT.

    Here's what worked for me:
    - keep it simple so you can keep on top of any sides and isolate the cause
    this means run test E ONLY. I've never used DECA , but ssuggest you
    search the terms "DECA dick" in order to appreciate how it might
    screw you.
    - Don't bother with orals like d-bol they are hard on youngsters worse for
    for older people. You don't need the front loading.

    - research and consider getting Hcg to run during your cycle at 500IU 2x/week. It will keep your testincular form and function, and greatly ease your PCT.

    - Research and consider arimidex at say .25mg/day to keep estrogen and its side affects like bloating in check.

    Good luck

    Quote Originally Posted by shifter
    First of all i would like to say thank you for taking your time to read my post

    At the age of 40 would like to run my first cycle at the moment. I am 5 ft 10in and I am now down to 15 and a half stone, I work in the building game and have played Rugby since I was 16, I have also been in the gym on and off over the years but over the last year and a half I have been 3 nights a week and played Rugby on Saturday's. This will be my last season playing as I feel I am getting too old I now enjoy the gym more. I have also been keeping a eye on my food in take; jacket spud, tuna, oatmeal, cottage cheese, chicken, brown rice, liver, hard boiled eggs. Drink in take I have been having Whey Protine before work out at the gym and after with a meal and water which amounts to about 2 litres a day, which is bloody hard with the cold weather and working out side.

    My first question is Test E at 500mg and Deca at 200mg 12 weeks with Dibol at 35 mg for the first 4 weeks per day will be ok I have novla & clomid for pct

    My second question is; what right amount I put in my syringe Test E, is at 250mg in 10ml vial Deca at 100mg 2ml vial? My syringe starts at 0.5 up to 3ml.

    Thanks again for your time, your help is much appreciated.


  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triposinator
    Bud I'm 10 years your senior, and just finished my 1st cycle and PCT.

    Here's what worked for me:
    - keep it simple so you can keep on top of any sides and isolate the cause
    this means run test E ONLY. I've never used DECA , but ssuggest you
    search the terms "DECA dick" in order to appreciate how it might
    screw you.
    - Don't bother with orals like d-bol they are hard on youngsters worse for
    for older people. You don't need the front loading.

    - research and consider getting Hcg to run during your cycle at 500IU 2x/week. It will keep your testincular form and function, and greatly ease your PCT.

    - Research and consider arimidex at say .25mg/day to keep estrogen and its side affects like bloating in check.

    Good luck
    Good advice, I am 50 as well and I have done two cycles and about to start my 3rd. I am cruising between cycles with 100mg Test E at the moment. Only comments I would make are

    1. Forget the Dbol for your first cycle ( I think its shit anyway ) but save it for later.

    2. Most advice will be to stick with just Test E for the cycle but I actually think Deca is a good thing for us older guys. Deca Dick will only occur if you are using more of that than the Test E. So I would do this

    wk 1-12 Test E 500mg/week two shots a week on Mon and Thurs 250mg Each

    wk 1-11 Deca 300mg/week two shots a week on Mon and Thurs 150mg each.


    You can mix the Test and the Deca together.

    Remember you have to eat 300g of protein and at least 3000 calories a day for this to be really successful.

  6. #6
    shifter is offline New Member
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    Dec 2005
    Thanks guys for your replys .I think i will run the Test but i do suffer with bad joints if i run the Deca as well what will this make my overall amount in my syringe with 1cc every 3.5 days for the Test . Plus the Deca 200mg = ?

    sorry to sound thick
    just want to save on the shots

    Thanks again

    Last edited by shifter; 01-24-2006 at 11:00 AM.

  7. #7
    Triposinator's Avatar
    Triposinator is offline Associate Member
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    Not sure what your question is. If you mean will everything fit in your syringe each time the answer is yes. Looks to me like you will do 1c of test and 1.5cc of Deca twice a week to get the 500/200 total you want each week.

    That means you want 250/100 each injection.

    you have 3cc syringes and only need 2cc total per injection.

    This is all based on the Test being at 250mg/ml concentration and the Deca at 100mg/ml concentration.

    1 ml = 1 cc - if you didn't know they are equal measures of volume.

    Anyone have a different set of #s?

    Quote Originally Posted by shifter
    Thanks guys for your replys .I think i will run the Test but i do suffer with bad joints if i run the Deca as well what will this make my overall amount in my syringe with 1cc every 3.5 days for the Test . Plus the Deca 200mg = ?

    sorry to sound thick
    just want to save on the shots

    Thanks again


  8. #8
    shifter is offline New Member
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    Dec 2005
    That great Triposinator just wanted to know what the total would be per shot test and deca together going to start my cycle 1st Feb

    Thanks for your reply


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