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Thread: Stack Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Somewhere in the middle-east

    Stack Advice

    I put together this stack to do... But look it over and give me your advice/help...

    Primabolan-Depot 200Mg Each week for 8 weeks
    Sustanon 250Mg Each week for 8 weeks
    Russian D-bol 2 Morning 2 Evening 5Mg Each Tab
    Clomid 50Mg a day week 8-9

    What kind of gains am i looking at with this kind of stack?

    My diet is 70% Carbs and 30% Protein Im focusing more on bulking at this time... Im going to try and obtain 4000 calories a day at least

    Ill be working out four days on and the other three days is carb loading and rest

    What about stretch marks? how can i keep from getting those..

  2. #2
    What are your stats? What do you want to achieve with this cycle?

  3. #3
    it's going to be hard to avoid the stretch marks bro, they're like battle scars. some people say banana or coconut lotion or whatever can help. they have some prescription skin smoothing topical stuff that I used for my knee scar, took the color right out and "flattened" the scar so it blended in really nice with the rest of my skin, that may be an option. i'll have to find out again what that was called. also, answer dizzy's questions and people will be able to help more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Stats & goals please:

    Age, height, weight, bf% yrs. training

    What are your goals?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Somewhere in the middle-east
    I have little training..
    Im about 6 Foot Tall
    138 Pounds
    19 Yrs of Age (Save the "To young speach")
    And my goals... Well size and strength

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    A cage in the Zoo!
    138 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you still have plenty of natural growth left, dont juice!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Everyone asks this same question "How much will I put one with this cycle". Im not an expert bro, but im finding out ItsHow mch you eat, train, and rest. Everybody is different, It's whatever you wanna get out of it. If your really gonna eat 4000 calories a day the sky is the limit. I remember reading a post you had before. You said you've already done a cycle. If so bump the test up to 500mg/week. Your not gonna here the too young speech from me, Iknow where your coming from.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Khaoz
    Im about 6 Foot Tall, 138 Pounds, 19 Yrs of Age (Save the "To young speach")
    First of all it's a "Too young speech" are too young.

    Second @ 6' and 138lbs you have ALOT of room to grow naturally!!! So why are you looking at gear? How long have you been training? the "I know my stuff, I've been training hard and I have reached my peak" speech because your profile says your training "has been off and on for a few years...still a beginner" This alone shows you are NOWHERE near ready!!

    Please DO NOT say "I just wanna get big fast".
    Last edited by Pete235; 05-24-2002 at 06:37 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Somewhere in the middle-east
    Nah... I dont wanna get huge overnight.. And i havnt been training hard at all... Im saving the hard training for the stack... I workout every other day... (little workouts) Im 138 Pounds I can bench 200 pounds ez... I thought that was good for a guy my size... I would love to max out at 350 at least by the end of the summer...
    Im @ This board to learn...
    Im not looking for long term use... I just need some ass on me so i will have sompthing to work with when i go natural...

  10. #10

    dude, eat a lot more, train heavier, and sleep. You sound like a hardgainer - 6'0 138, pete and everyone else is right, you have a lot of growing to do naturally. suck it up for another year or three, work on your training and eating and then go to gear. You will be a lot happier as many of us who know about these things are telling you. Eat every two hours and work out religiously, you *will* grow. Don't use AAS as a substitute for willpower and patience. Take it from someone who already made that mistake. peace and goodluck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Canada, Montreal eh!
    Originally posted by Khaoz
    Im not looking for long term use... I just need some ass on me so i will have sompthing to work with when i go natural...
    If you go in with that attitude you won't have any ass to work with WHEN you go natural.
    Muscle just doesn't appear by miracle and it won't stay there by miracle either, unless you have good genetics (but that's not you, @ 138lbs).

    just my 0.02 cents.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Somewhere in the middle-east
    ok, kool
    I would have posted sooner but i jus got back from Tennessee...
    Guys... As much as i should wait... Im probably not going to...
    Just like you all figured...
    But just maybe i can do without it for now....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    you got to bump up the deca to 400mg/wk and the test top at least that if not 500mg/week if you want to see somew kind of quality growth

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