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Thread: Newby Who Needs Advice PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    Newby Who Needs Advice PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

    I am looking to start my first cycle and need advice on a few things in order to make sure I do this right.

    Stats: Height: 6-2
    Weight: 215 18-19% Body Fat
    Goals: Looking to gain a good amount of muscle and shred fat.

    I dont want to get completely huge, I just want a great lean muscular body with no suspicions from other people on whether I juice.

    Would a cycle of sustanon (how much/week) and winstrol (how much/week) do the trick. How long should the cycle be for? Any good steroid sales connections? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    A cycle of Test E at 500mg ew split up should do the trick but what ever roid you take ppl will notice

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The GYM
    I agree test e will definatley help. You should edit your post. You cant openly ask for sources. Your new and thats not allowed. Read the rules they state that its a no no.

  4. #4
    I would lean out a little first if i was you get down to about 10-12% BF first.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Steel City Ontario
    Quote Originally Posted by new2dagame
    ...... Any good steroid sales connections? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Read rules and the search function will lead to good cycle ideas for cutting.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    You will most likely be hit with lots of spam mail now newby

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by new2dagame
    I am looking to start my first cycle and need advice on a few things in order to make sure I do this right.

    Stats: Height: 6-2
    Weight: 215 18-19% Body Fat
    Goals: Looking to gain a good amount of muscle and shred fat.

    I dont want to get completely huge, I just want a great lean muscular body with no suspicions from other people on whether I juice.

    Would a cycle of sustanon (how much/week) and winstrol (how much/week) do the trick. How long should the cycle be for? Any good steroid sales connections? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    Hey all how's it going? Okay, I'm a noob here and I have to chime in. new2dagame friggen read the rules man wtf! DO NOT ASK FOR STEROID SALES CONNECTIONS.!

    p.s - Awesome forum fellas...I've learned quite a bit out here!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Canada me2,eh..
    Quote Originally Posted by new2dagame
    I am looking to start my first cycle and need advice on a few things in order to make sure I do this right.

    Stats: Height: 6-2
    Weight: 215 18-19% Body Fat
    Goals: Looking to gain a good amount of muscle and shred fat.

    I dont want to get completely huge, I just want a great lean muscular body with no suspicions from other people on whether I juice.

    Would a cycle of sustanon (how much/week) and winstrol (how much/week) do the trick. How long should the cycle be for? Any good steroid sales connections? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
    all people should just read the forum for a few months, even ONE month just to get the basic rules down pat enough, that these questions dont get uneccessarily asked..they could be avoided SO easily....

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