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Thread: cycle question

  1. #1
    WEBB's Avatar
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    cycle question

    my stats, 6'1 260pounds around 8-10% BF.
    my cycle week 1-6 825mg test prop
    week 1-6 600mg Deca
    I am planning on running the prop for 12 weeks and the deca for 10 and i have all the pct needed and have been using nolva at 10mg ed.

    Now here is my question i have about 35ml of winny at 100mg/ml and was thinking of running it for weeks 6-10 at 100mg eod, what is your guys opinion, is this a bad idea, and what should i expect. now my diet i spot on and my gear is good cause i make it myself but i have only gained about 6 pounds in 6 weeks but my strength has gone through the roof and i have remained very vascular .

    Thanks fro all the advice WEBB

  2. #2
    Pinnacle's Avatar
    Pinnacle is offline AR-Hall of Famer ~ Cocky motherF*cker!
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    my stats, 6'1 260pounds around 8-10% BF.
    my cycle week 1-6 825mg test prop
    week 1-6 600mg Deca
    I am planning on running the prop for 12 weeks and the deca for 10 and i have all the pct needed and have been using nolva at 10mg ed.

    Now here is my question i have about 35ml of winny at 100mg/ml and was thinking of running it for weeks 6-10 at 100mg eod, what is your guys opinion, is this a bad idea, and what should i expect. now my diet i spot on and my gear is good cause i make it myself but i have only gained about 6 pounds in 6 weeks but my strength has gone through the roof and i have remained very vascular .

    Thanks fro all the advice WEBB
    Run the winny ED at 100 mgs bro50 mgs ED is a mickey mouse dose.I'd run it from week 8-13(which is right up to PCT)Also you need to extend the prop one more week to have PCT match as well.But not absolutley neccesary if you run the winny to week 13


  3. #3
    WEBB's Avatar
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    this is the winny i made the other day, i just tried it tonight and it was silky smooth, and didnt clog my 22gauge pin, and there is little to no pain...yet, so i am pretty happy. i will run the winny from week 8-13 and continue the prop to week 13 like you suggested. any idea as to why my wieght is staying around the same my calories are close to 4000 which might not seem like much but i am unemployed and all i do is sleep and eat all day till i go to the gym at 7pm.

  4. #4
    Pinnacle's Avatar
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    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by WEBBNB
    this is the winny i made the other day, i just tried it tonight and it was silky smooth, and didnt clog my 22gauge pin, and there is little to no pain...yet, so i am pretty happy. i will run the winny from week 8-13 and continue the prop to week 13 like you suggested. any idea as to why my wieght is staying around the same my calories are close to 4000 which might not seem like much but i am unemployed and all i do is sleep and eat all day till i go to the gym at 7pm.
    You are a big boy.4000 cals doesn't seem like it would be enough bro.I'm 25 pounds lighter(and much shorter) than you,and I eat more cals than that on a daily basis.I'd up your cals and I'm sure you'll see some weight gains


  5. #5
    WEBB's Avatar
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    ok i'll give it a shot, this week. my only thinking was that since i dont do anything all day my caloric need is a lot lower than most, but i think i was wrong so i will increase my calories. thanks again

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