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Thread: Sus Flu Perhaps ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    SE Massachusetts

    Sus Flu Perhaps ?

    Hiya folks,
    I just started this cycle on Monday (3 days ago):
    Sustanon 250 250mL on Mondays and Thursdays for 10 weeks
    Dbol (5mg) 30mg per day for 4 weeks
    I took my first shot Monday morning and Monday night I had a headache and my whole head felt kinda full. I woke up Tuesday with a scratchy throat, headache, no desire to eat, and achy. This continued all day Tuesday. Wednesday I woke up, the headache was in and out throughout the day, throat was fine, still had no desire to eat and was a little achy though. Oh yeah, Tuesday and Wednesday I did feel sleepy most of the day although I got 8 hours of sleep each night. Well its now Thursday and time for my next shot, if this is really the "Sus Flu" am I gonna be getting it every week for 10 weeks? I do take a multi-vitamin every morning an I'll start drinking orange juice in the morning to see it that helps. Its one thing feeling like crap working out but when you are on leg day and between squats and leg presses, man its a killer. So I guess my questions after all this is do you guys/gals think this is the "Sus Flu", is it going to happen on/off for the 10 weeks, and any suggestions on what I can do to fight through it a little easier?

    Thanks for reading,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    The sus flu is temporary...usually only at the beginning..and it sounds like thats exactly what you have =\

  3. #3
    i've never heard of the sust flu before (despite my few post i've been in the game for a while) anyone care to elaborate? do you have a temp BlueEyedDragonfly?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    .99 cent store
    Just give it a few days and you'll be fine. i had sust flu in the beginning of my cycle and it lasted only 4 days. I still worked out though

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    SE Massachusetts
    Thanks for the repsonses guys. As for a temp, havent taken it but I dont feel like I have one, normally when I have a temp my eyes feel kinda funny. As for working out, oh yeah I've been working out right through it, just sucks to be psyched thinking about changes months down the road and then trying to push tons of weight feeling like you've been hit by Big Kev, errr I mean a Mack truck ! hehehehehe

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    This is my second cycle with SUs, both times I have the Sus flu. My last cycle I got it at the end of the cycle! I am on week 2 and about 2 days ago it hit me! Vitamin C, sleep and time are the only things I have found to help!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I have found if I do not drink enough water, I get those symptoms.

    Try increasing your water intake...that should help.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    SE Massachusetts
    I finally started feeling better yesterday (Thursday) so I was getting excited that it was passing. I woke up this morning feeling worse than the previous four days. I think maybe yesterday's shot decided to give me a hard time as well. lol Oh well, hopefully it passes soon.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002

    sus flu

    im currently on a Sus cycle also ( 5oo mg 10 weeks) .
    heard about the sus flu before , didn't get it yet .
    probably more worried from gyno
    i always don't feel well at the day of the injections +
    the last weeks the shots really heart .
    now thank god , it is much better...

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