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Thread: Planning Help Please!

  1. #1

    Post Planning Help Please!

    Hello everyone. I am fairly new and need help with a validating my outlined plan along with my PCT shown below. I realize that this is rather lengthy but I just want to be sure that I am on the right track. My brief profile is:

    Weight: 235lbs
    Height: 6'1
    Age: 29
    Body Fat: 26%
    Cycles: 1st Cycle
    Resting Metabolic Rate: 2333
    Anarobic Threashold: 128
    Anticipated Daily Calorie Expenditure: 1600(Resting and GymTime)

    Goal: Increase muscle mass by at least 15lbs., while reducing body fat to at least 14%. I realize that this will be a delicate balancing act and would really like your feedback. Thanks Guys!

    Please Just double click to expand the images below.

    Attachment 61975

    Attachment 61976

    Attachment 61974

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Did you get that off of a website?

  3. #3
    those attachments are hard to read except for the "fuel" one anyhow run test at 500mg ew for 10-12 weeks and 2 weeks after your last shot start pct...check out the pct forum and see what u like some people like 300/100/50 (clomid) or some will run 100mg of clomid ed for a few weeks.
    also keep some nolva on hand.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    imo i would concentrate on diet and cardio to reduce your bf down to somewhere near the 15% mark before you embark into the wonderfull world of roids!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Run Test Only for your first cycle. Other compounds just arnt needed.

    wk 1-12 Test Enan/Cyp 500mg/wk
    wk 1-12 Proviron 50mg/ED

    PCT begins 14 days after last testosterone shot. Or 16 days if Cyp is used.

    PCT is done with HCG/Nolva/Proviron

    wk 1-4 HCG 1000ius/ED (Mon/Wed/Fri)
    wk 1-4 Nolva 20mg/ED
    wk 1-4 Proviron 50mg/ED


    wk 1-5 Creatine 5g/ED
    wk 1-5 Glutamine 10g/ED
    1000mg/ED Vit-C, A MultiVitimin/Omega 3/B-12.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    imo i would concentrate on diet and cardio to reduce your bf down to somewhere near the 15% mark before you embark into the wonderfull world of roids!

    Ditto, i would do a crap load of Cardio if you that much bf%.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)
    Here's the help you asked for,: "Run Forrest, Run!" You gotta get that BF% down and by doing some good ol' fashioned cardio and clean up the diet my friend. Any gear ran at this BF% would be basically ran because you are just trying to get strength and not wrrying too much about appearance. But if you are wanting to the overall strength and appearance package, get the diet and cardio intact first and get down to about 15% BF or lower. JMO

    Good luck

  8. #8

    I created the images from excel and have changed to format a little so that they may be viewed better.

    Anyway, I did a free body composition test at a local club here and the guy actually thought that the body fat percentages were way off after taking measurments with the pinchers. I am muscular and one of those people that have all my fat in my mid section but none anywhere else. I will take a more accurate test soon. Thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    DOOOooooOOOOOD im going to suggest you focus on cardio/diet tilll ur down to about 15% then worry about cycling

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Richmond, Cali.(Bay Area)
    Do i hear an echo? LOL! My same thoughts Bro.
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    DOOOooooOOOOOD im going to suggest you focus on cardio/diet tilll ur down to about 15% then worry about cycling

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