Hey guys,
I'm new to the forum but I had a question for any of you who are athletes or have used A.S. to speed up your return from injuries.
I just injured my knee about a week ago and I haven't been to the doctor yet to have the damage checked out. So far, I've got full range of movement with no swelling. I do have pain, tenderness to the touch, and mild instability however. I'm afraid that I may have tore a tendon/ligament along the inside of my knee.
I'm planning on giving it a little more time to heal on its own before seeing the doc but I'm really concerned that an MRI will show a tear that requires surgury to repair. This is what leads me to the question about gear. I had ACL reconstruction on my other knee (patella graft) about 5 years ago. I healed relatively quickly, but my muscles were the slowest part catching up due to the atrophy of my muscles from the surgury/shock/inactivity. If I do in fact need to have another major surgury on my knee, would I be smart to try a cycle to speed my muscle recovery or regrowth? And if I do choose to go that route, what would be the best drug to take for that purpose? I only intend to do this for the short term, till my injury is healed and I'm back to where I was previously, so I'm not planning on multiple cycles. I'd just like some advice.
- Judoman