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Thread: question on starting cycle of gh /test cypionate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    question on starting cycle of gh /test cypionate

    I was wondering if there was any advice for me if i was starting to do 200 mg of depo test a week along with 2iu of jinitropin a day. Currently 35 yrs old 185lbs 5 9 looking to put a bit more muscle (5-10 lbs) and loose some extra fat around stomach area,

    Got both of these already and wanted any advice, also i am on propecia for hair loss is that okay to take with this, read somewhere that taking with deca reverses any benefits, thanks for any tips

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Ypu need to do 500mg a week IMO. Propecia is OK to take with this stuff, I take Proscar which is about ten times stronger than Propecia with no problems

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    do you think i should go go to proscar or will propecia will do it, is there much hair loss with cyp? Also i see lots of guys taking nolvadex and other anti estrogen think that is necessary on just cyp and gh?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    i dont see why he "has to take 500mgs a week"...a first cycle at 35 years of age, i'm sure you can see benefits from a lower dose cycle like this.

    no problem taking propecia with test at all..a lot of guys do it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Juddman
    i dont see why he "has to take 500mgs a week"...a first cycle at 35 years of age, i'm sure you can see benefits from a lower dose cycle like this.

    no problem taking propecia with test at all..a lot of guys do it
    Maybe, maybe not . So what does he do, start at 100mg and work his way up as he does more cycles ? The standard seems to be around 500mg, thats what I started at and had great results from that. Could I have gotten gains from lower doses ? Maybe, but I wasnt really that interested in experimenting, when all the advice I was given at the time was to do 500mg.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    yea everyone seems to just objectively throw out the number 500mgs for some reason, why i dont know...your natty test levels, especially at 35 are about approximately 1/10 of that, so that could be considered pretty excessive for a first cycle.

    this particular person is looking for some LBM in the range of 5-10lbs and losing some bf, so a massive amount of test probably isnt the answer. 200mgs would be at least 3 or 4 times his natty test, along with the HGH to burn some fat, he would be golden IMO

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Results of a 50 yr old man on this board.I say 500 mgs weekly

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    great read...but that is a perfect example of why i said 500mgs is probably too much for a man who is looking to put on 5-10lbs LBM and lose a bit of BF like this particular man has

    i'm not saying 500mgs is a bad idea, but people seem to just throw in the 500mgs idea without considering the person's stated goals
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    Results of a 50 yr old man on this board.I say 500 mgs weekly

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    was looking at links, think i will start at the 200 since it is first one and should help boost me from what i have now.

    so in your opinion whether at 200 or 500 a week i should not need any additional stuff to counter negative effects.?

    is the depo test as good as most other cypionates?

    Also should i continue to take over the counter stuff, creatine, no2 ect..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    well you might want to take a look at the PCT (post cycle therapy) need to take certain compounds to get your natural system back in shape after your cycle.
    whether you take 200 or 500mgs, you will want to have an anti-estrogen (nolva) on hand in case you start to see signs of gyno (a lot more likely with 500 over 200mgs)
    dont start until you have your house in order and everything you need from start to finish
    Quote Originally Posted by ffgpa
    was looking at links, think i will start at the 200 since it is first one and should help boost me from what i have now.

    so in your opinion whether at 200 or 500 a week i should not need any additional stuff to counter negative effects.?

    is the depo test as good as most other cypionates?

    Also should i continue to take over the counter stuff, creatine, no2 ect..

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Yes,those are my legs
    Quote Originally Posted by Juddman
    great read...but that is a perfect example of why i said 500mgs is probably too much for a man who is looking to put on 5-10lbs LBM and lose a bit of BF like this particular man has

    i'm not saying 500mgs is a bad idea, but people seem to just throw in the 500mgs idea without considering the person's stated goals
    You have to understand Trip had a perfect diet,training ect...that's why he achieved those results.(His original thread was deleted) otherwise you could have seen what I meant.Plus he was training for ages before making the plunge.We have no idea how long this guy has been training,if he knows how to eat prperly maybe he might need 500 mgs to make up for all the mistakes he'll make.Sounds to me like he's looking for a quick fix,nothing more...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    very true...i would rather recommend to someone a lower dose cycle and give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to knowing the basics about training and eating..without that, one shouldnt be using steroids as well all know.

    i would rather a person use a lower dose and find out they have to work for results than recommend to them a much higher dose for an easier, probably more dangerous no means is 500mgs overboard, but i just think gains can be made with much less. i mean i can take 300mgs of test and gain 5lbs in the first week! mostly water of course, but by the end of the cycle i will surely have gained at least 10lbs to keep if i train hard and eat well...

    these are all just opinions though right? we leave it to the person to do what they want
    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle
    We have no idea how long this guy has been training,if he knows how to eat prperly maybe he might need 500 mgs to make up for all the mistakes he'll make.Sounds to me like he's looking for a quick fix,nothing more...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Pinacle what happened to the attachements in that thread, I would love to see this guys diet. I am 50 as well and I have not had the same success he had thats for sure. I have got about 18lb out of two cycles and I am sure thats all to do with diet.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    what were your cycles bro?
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Pinacle what happened to the attachements in that thread, I would love to see this guys diet. I am 50 as well and I have not had the same success he had thats for sure. I have got about 18lb out of two cycles and I am sure thats all to do with diet.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    first cycle was 400mg Test E and 300mg Deca 12 weeks.
    Second was 500mg Test E, 2 weeks on Dbol but I got off that, 300mg Deca and I did seven weeks of var at the end 100mg ED.

    My Diet was

    6.30am Protein Shake. half cup Oatmeal

    8.00am 8 egg whites with Toast,

    9.00am Full Fat Yougurt

    10.00am Protein Shake, half cup Oatmeal

    12.30PM Chicken Breast of Steak with Vegies

    2.00 PM Protein Shake, half cup Oatmeal

    4.00PM Workout

    PWO Apple Juice / Protein Shake

    6.30 PM Chicken Breast or Steak and vegies

    8.00 PM Full Fat Yougurt and Fruit

    10.00PM Protein Shake

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    that's a solid diet for sure...well thought out

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2003
    I agree with Judd..I am a low dose cycle proponant as well. FOr a first cycle, you should see nice gains even off 200 mgs if you are eating, lifting and resting right. Too many parrots say bump to 500 but I didnt and had great gains.

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