im thinking about running tren eth with test for my next cycle, what are the worst sides with tren about 400mg tren eth/week. ? thanks.
im thinking about running tren eth with test for my next cycle, what are the worst sides with tren about 400mg tren eth/week. ? thanks.
Its individual when i used Tren Enanthate 500mg/week with test E i álmost didnt get any sides only the sweating at night,but have you tried tren or is this your first time?
it will be my first time
I`ve seen other members advicing to try tren a first, so you get it out of your system as fast as possible if you can`t handle the sides. Sounds logical to me. Noone here knows what sides you will experience, just have to try it and find out.
My thoughts...My first tren cycle which I am currently on, I used tren a after reading about the sides. I know the first few weeks, the sides were terrible. I was ready to quit. I felt like I had the flu 24/7, could not sleep at all and lost my appetite and will to work out. The lack of sleep had alot to fo with this I'm sure. I pushed through it somehow and now the only sides I have are the night sweats which are somewhat bearable, but do effect my sleep.
I am finding out that any fast acting stuff I take is to much for my body. It does not have enough time to get used to it so I get some pretty severe sides. I cannot take dbol, drol or halo cause of that cause the sides kill me. Now any slow ester stuff like depot/enan I can deal with having very few sides.
I can deal with the tren a sides now that my body is used to the compound, but I will definately not take tren a again. I will go with the depot next time.
That is my experience anyhow. Everyone reacts different.
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