First of all I have used many hours going through the different posts in the forum and learned much.
But still there are many contradicting statements from the users, so I will post this as a new thread anyway.
I´m going on my first cycle and it will contain Sustanon only, I got 16 amps, Nolvadex and Clomid. My question is in what cycle it should be used. I found this cycle on another site - is it ok?
Please give advice based on the stack I´ve allready got.
Week 1: 250
Week 2: 500
Week 3: 500
Week 4: 500
Week 5: 500
Week 6: 500
Week 7: 500
Week 8: 250
Week 9: 250
Week 10: 250
When should I use the Nolvas and how much, and when should I use the clomid (and how much).
Hope to bennefit from your experience :-)