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Thread: HCG and women? fat loss?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    HCG and women? fat loss?

    I heard they've given very overweight women HCG to help loose weight. If this is true, is there any room for my gf to use this? although she only needs to loose about ten pounds.

    I believe I can get 6 (1500iu amps) for $15.

    am I crazy for thinking about this? she keeps asking for something to help her out in the game. And im not thinking about right now since she's still in the begining of her training.

    if this an idea, how would she go about using HCG? does it matter if she's young (16.5)?

    I was thinking at her age, she shouldnt mess with hormones at all. But then I was thinking that HCG might be alright.

    another question: she cant have stimulants like eca, but what about t3 or clen?

    any help appriciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    clen is still a stimulant. She is really young to start messing with hormone levels and things of that nature. She might be just in a transitional time. I went through a time when I was close to obese in my teen years and now if I don't workout I am a rail. Give her time to mature fully before messing with drugs.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    thanks Jrob, I figured she was to young.

    what about t3?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    that is messing with the thyroid. I wouldn't want to mess with any member of the endocrine system during adolescence. your body is having such drastic changes in hormone levels that you'll have enough problems with that let alone adding more stimulants or hormones. I really would just say diet and cardio. Get her some rollerblades or something and do it with her to encourage her, that is what I did with one of my girls when I younger and it helped her alot.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    thanks dude, your right. I forgot t3, was a hormone!! duh!!

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