Could someone outline a general protocol (cardio amount, caloric intake, etc.) for the purpose. Only if you've actually done this.
Could someone outline a general protocol (cardio amount, caloric intake, etc.) for the purpose. Only if you've actually done this.
You should get ahold of Zapp. He did it. I'm sure you will need to put up your stats to know how many calories you would need. Good Luck Bro.
I've only bulked on it. But I'll give you some advice anyhow.Originally Posted by GoldieTheMack
Cardio in the AM on an empty stomach.
Have a perfect diet, high in clean calories. No cheat meals.
An effective AI. Letro, Arimidex or L-dex would be ideal.
Possibly stacking with some Var or Winstrol for the final 6-8 weeks.
Take a gander...............
cutting is CUTTING regardless of gear.. its based on diet/cardio
fairly simple really
Originally Posted by Jayhova16
This was a great thread!
Have a perfect diet, high in clean calories. No cheat meals.
i dont agree with this phrase every diet should include a cheat meals
Thanks for the input fellas.
Great link Jay,
Hmm I'm doing a cutter per say:
1-2 M4hn 9MG/ED
5-6 Superdrol 30mg/ED
7-8 INjectible Dbol 40-50mg ED (ouch)
12-16 Winny Inject 100mg EOD
1-14 test E 500mg/wk
1-13 Deca 500mg/wk
Taking .5mg Letro ED with all the other goodies too many to list.
Massive amounts of liver rejuvs since this is heavy on liver compounds.
I'm doing am cardio 5days a week 30-40mins at 60%heartrate.
keeping a fairly clean diet.
Originally Posted by Unoid
Unoid I'd love to comment on this so do Goldie a favor and start a new thread. I"m sure a few would love to take a stab at this.......
Originally Posted by Unoid
God bless your liver bro and your lipid panel, please post your own thread so someone can try and help you outl
Have you ever cut before? Should be about the same thing, however with test you can drop cals lower and faster without worry of muscle loss.Originally Posted by GoldieTheMack
No I haven't.
Looking to do a novice cycle of Test E 500mgs, T3, and with Pinnacles' resounding choice for Aromasin, I'm almost ready too.
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