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Thread: My Cycle..Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym

    My Cycle..Help

    stats: 5'7
    weight: 165
    bf% 8
    genetics: decent to good
    diet: good, 3500+ calories 250+protein

    I just got a hold of some T4 which is very similar to sust. It has the 4 different tests and are timed released. Since this is my first cycle I know I should have gotten a single ester test but this was the only available option to me. Anyways, my friend said I should only do 10 weeks 250mg once a week. He pretty experienced and is a master fitness trainer. I've been reading a lot of threads saying you should at least do 500mg per week for first cyclers. Can someone elaborate on this and tell me if one 250mg a week is good or should I up the dosage.

    I'm a little uncertain how this will react because of the timed released test from my gear.

    Thanks to all.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    your friend dont know squt mate,if he did he would have advised against takin t400 for a 1st cycle!!has he mentioned pct at all??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    your friend dont know squat mate,if he did he would have advised against takin t400 for a 1st cycle!!has he mentioned pct at all??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    your friend dont know squt mate,if he did he would have advised against takin t400 for a 1st cycle!!has he mentioned pct at all??
    dude, no offense, but... he does know. However doesn't mean other methods aren't more effective. I'm not fu**n around, I want to get big. Yeah ofcourse he menioned pct. He advised me to take Nolva throughout the whole cycle.

    I just don't know how much to inject because for the T4 my blood plasma levels are going to be difficult to keep stable off of one injection a week because of the timed released testosterome.

    Anyhow what do you guys recommend? I know a million people who's first cycle was sustanon and they all got huge so I know I can make this work...just looking for the most effective and smartest way to take this juice.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    New England
    Of course they got huge...their test levels were high because they were injecting testosterone into their body...that doesnt mean thats the correct way to do it...and if you are talking about denkalls t-400 it is a blend of 3 tests (E,C,and prop low low dose) so enanthate and cypionate make up the bulk of the 400mg/ could inject monday morning and thursday evening rotating injection sites but the t-4 is going to hurt baddd

    and dont insult booz' intelligence because t-4 is a terrible choice for a first cycle and it sounds like your friend does not know what he is talking about

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolios
    Of course they got huge...their test levels were high because they were injecting testosterone into their body...that doesnt mean thats the correct way to do it...and if you are talking about denkalls t-400 it is a blend of 3 tests (E,C,and prop low low dose) so enanthate and cypionate make up the bulk of the 400mg/ could inject monday morning and thursday evening rotating injection sites but the t-4 is going to hurt baddd

    and dont insult booz' intelligence because t-4 is a terrible choice for a first cycle and it sounds like your friend does not know what he is talking about
    dude i heard the same thing about the t-4 hurting badd. oh well, i was in the army for 8 years and painfull shots are nothing new to me. fukit.

    bro, i was in no way "insulting" booz as he has helped me plenty in the past and I truly respect the guy. I was just saying since I already got the t-4 what is the best way to inject it and how often/much of it. Wish there was a steroid trade in shop where I could swap my t-4 for some test e. Getting gear for me is not simplest thing in the world.

    My friend did tell me that t-4 was a bad choice but for starting and that the shot would hurt like hell so he does know what he is talking about. My other boy took sust his first cycle alone and got huge off of it and I have as good or better genetics then he does. He doesn't eat as well as me and has flaws in his workout (doesn't hit one body part a day, etc...)

    BTW: my T-4 has 4 different test in it, not 3 as you menionted above. The literature that came with it said it is 100mg of Decanoate, 60mg of Isocaproate, 60mgs of Enanthate and 30mg of propionate.

    I will try and snap some pics when I get home as maybe it is not called "T4". It's mexican and has a picture of a dog on the box and called like Q4T or something like that...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    E London,no SOURCES given
    taking nolvadex throughout the cycle is not pct mate!
    pct,post course therapy,is what you take after your cycle to get your natty test back up and running which in turn will help you keep most of your gains.

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